13 December 2023
Everyday language input and production in children across six continents
Why do some children learn language so much faster than others? Are girls faster than boys? And does learning two languages slow you down? A recent study of 1001 children living in very different...
21 October 2022
Linguistic Society of America names awardees for Best Paper in Language 2023
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics is proud and happy to announce that Evan Kidd, Gabriela Garrido Rodriguez and Rachel Nordlinger have been awarded Best Paper in Language 2023 by the...
25 August 2022
Inaugural Lecture Caroline Rowland
Professor Caroline Rowland, appointed as professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences, will assume her office in an academic session on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 4.00 p.m. in the Aula of Radboud...
07 February 2022
Impact of Covid-19 social isolation measures on early development
International research team investigates impact of lockdown measures on 8- to 36-month-old infants across 13 countries
24 January 2022
Merel Wolf will defend her thesis on Monday 14th of February 2021
On Monday 14 February 2022, at 10.30, Merel Wolf will defend her thesis entitled 'Spoken and written word processing: Effects of presentation modality and individual differences in experience to...
23 March 2021
Bilingual babies prefer baby talk, especially when it’s one of their native languages, according to new study
Babies prefer baby talk in any language, but particularly when it’s in a language they’re hearing at home. “Together, the results of the first two ManyBabies studies, testing monolingual and bilingual...
22 July 2020
Online Masterclass Profielwerkstuk
Taalonderzoek bij kinderen: hoe doe je dat? Ben je geïnteresseerd in hoe baby's en jonge kinderen taal leren? Wil je meer weten over de ontwikkeling van ander communicatief gedrag, zoals wijzen of...
26 September 2019
MPI’s Evan Kidd named as Australia’s leading researcher in Language and Linguistics
The MPI is proud and happy to announce that Senior Investigator Evan Kidd has been named Australia’s leading researcher in Language and Linguistics. The prolific Australian-born linguist is an expert...
19 September 2019
Learning to read boosts the visual brain
How does learning to read change our brain? Does reading take up brain space dedicated to seeing objects such as faces, tools or houses? In a functional brain imaging study reported in Science...
25 June 2019
Kletskoppen wint de Prijs der Humaniora
Op 20 juni jl. ontvingen Sharon Unsworth and Pim Franssen de Prijs der Humaniora voor hun inzet voor het Nijmeegse kindertaalfestival Kletskoppen. De prijs bestaat uit een oorkonde en een bedrag van...
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