Melodic alternations in Spanish
This article describes how the tonal elements of two
common Spanish intonation contours –the falling
statement and the low-rising-falling request– align
with the segmental string in broad-focus utterances
differing in number of prosodic words. Using an
imitation-and-completion task, we show that (i) the
last stressed syllable of the utterance, traditionally
viewed as carrying the ‘nuclear’ accent, associates
with either a high or a low tonal element depending
on phrase length (ii) that certain tonal elements can
be realized or omitted depending on the availability
of specific metrical positions in their intonational
phrase, and (iii) that the high tonal element of the
request contour associates with either a stressed syllable
or an intonational phrase edge depending on
phrase length. On the basis of these facts, and in
contrast to previous descriptions of Spanish intonation
relying on obligatory and constant nuclear contours
(e.g., L* L% for all neutral statements), we argue
for a less constrained intonational morphology
involving tonal units linked to the segmental string
via contour-specific principles.
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