Modally hybrid grammar? Celestial pointing for time-of-day reference in Nheengatú
From the study of sign languages we know that the visual modality robustly supports the encoding
of conventionalized linguistic elements, yet while the same possibility exists for the visual
bodily behavior of speakers of spoken languages, such practices are often referred to as ‘gestural’
and are not usually described in linguistic terms. This article describes a practice of speakers of the
Brazilian indigenous language Nheengatú of pointing to positions along the east-west axis of the
sun’s arc for time-of-day reference, and illustrates how it satisfies any of the common criteria for
linguistic elements, as a system of standardized and productive form-meaning pairings whose
contributions to propositional meaning remain stable across contexts. First, examples from a video
corpus of natural speech demonstrate these conventionalized properties of Nheengatú time reference
across multiple speakers. Second, a series of video-based elicitation stimuli test several dimensions
of its conventionalization for nine participants. The results illustrate why modality is not
an a priori reason that linguistic properties cannot develop in the visual practices that accompany
spoken language. The conclusion discusses different possible morphosyntactic and pragmatic
analyses for such conventionalized visual elements and asks whether they might be more crosslinguistically
common than we presently know.
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