Asli Ozyurek


As of August 2022,  I am  appointed as the Director of Multimodal Language Department of Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.  I am also a Professor  and a PI at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior (Faculty of Social Sciences) and affiliated researcher at Center for Languages Studies at Radboud University.

Before August 2022, I was the  leading PI of the Multimodal Language and Cognition lab at Radboud University 

Mission Statement

As a linguist and cognitive scientist I  investigate cognitive and social foundations of human language capacity from a multimodal (in speech, gesture and sign ) and cross-linguistic perspective

I am also dedicated bridging the gap between science, technology, society and education and making scientific practices inclusive and available for people with diverse backgrounds and languages as well as for immigrants, women and deaf individuals across the globe and in developing countries.

About me : 

Received my PhD from University of Chicago in Linguistics and Psychology

Thesis Title: The role of social context on spatial language and gesture

Since 2010 I am a Full Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen, 

Obtained many career grants:  NWO- VIDI grant (5-year), ASPASIA Award and ERC Starting Grant  (5-year) and hosted three Marie-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships

In 2022, I completed  5-year  NWO-VICI Grant for a research proposal entitled "Giving cognition a hand: Linking spatial cognition to linguistic expression in native and late learners of sign language and bimodal bilinguals" 

Recent and Current Posts: 

I am recently elected  (2025) as a Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society

I am also an elected (2019) member of Academia Europea

I was a Scientific Board member and the Leader  of Language and Communication Theme (2018 -2022) of the Donders Institute

I was Co-PI and a Scientific Board Member of NWO funded Language in Interaction Consortium (between 2014- 2024)

Currently I am programme Committee Member of IMPRS Graduate School (2019-) 

Scientific Advisory Board Member  Basque Center  on Cognition Brain and Language (BCLB) (2024-)

With Dr. Judith Holler I coordinate the Nijmegen Gesture Center 

With Dr. Limor Raviv and Dr. Anita Slonimska I coordinate the Language Evolution and Emergence Group (LEE) at the MPI

Co-PI of the EU Commision Twinning Grant  funded MEDAL Consortium: Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics  (together with University of Tartu and University of Birmingham) MEDAL consortium | Tartu Ülikool ( (2022-2025)

Co-PI of MULTIDATA  (Skills and resources for multimodal turn: Unlocking audiovisual datasets)  grant funded by EU  ERASMUS PLUS KA220-HED ( together with University of Murcia and FAU-Erlangen-Nurnberg ) (2023-2026)

Google Scholar H-Index = 48;  10! Index = 123; Times cited- 10800+

Linkedin (Asli Ozyurek); ; @ozyurek_a (X); @multimodallang (X)



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