14 May 2019
Speech recognition technology is not a solution for poor readers
Could artificial intelligence be a solution for people who cannot read well (functional illiterates) or cannot read at all (complete illiterates)? According to psycholinguists, speech technology...
11 April 2019
Amie Fairs will defend her thesis on June 7
On Friday 7th June 2019, at 10:30, Amie Fairs will defend her thesis entitled “Linguistic dual-tasking: understand temporal overlap between production and comprehension” in the Aula of Radboud...
12 March 2019
MPI's Falk Huettig appointed Professor of Psycholinguistics and Cultural Cognition
The MPI congratulates Falk Huettig, who has been appointed Professor of Psycholinguistics and Cultural Cognition at Radboud University Nijmegen.
07 March 2019
People track when talkers say ‘uh’ to predict what comes next
Speakers tend to say ‘uh’ before uncommon words (‘uh… automobile’) rather than common words (‘car’). In a new eye-tracking study, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics show...
30 November 2018
Learning to read comes at a cost
Learning how to read may have some disadvantages for learning grammar. Children who cannot read yet often treat multiword phrases as wholes (‘how-are-you’). After learning to read, children notice...
09 October 2018
Variation in vocabulary – The learning, knowledge, and processing of words
The native speakers of a language differ in how many words they know. But what are the effects of variation in vocabulary size on language processing? And why do people differ in their vocabulary size...
18 September 2018
Prof. dr. Antje Meyer inaugurated into the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW)
Prof. dr. Antje Meyer, director at the MPI for Psycholinguistics and professor of individual differences in language processing at Radboud University, has been inaugurated into the Royal Academy of...
09 October 2017
We seem less susceptible to emotions in a foreign language, and our eyes reveal it
Does it matter in which language we receive emotional information? A new study by an international team of scientists, including the MPI’s Sara Iacozza, shows that it does, and the eyes reveal so...
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