Hasan Dikyuva gave a lecture at Stockholm University

14 June 2024
A conference room with a presentation on "The Status of Turkish Sign Language (TID): What Has Happened So Far?" Two presenters are on stage, one signing and the other speaking.

On June 14th, Stockholm University hosted a conference on "The Opportunities and Challenges of Sign Language Interpretation". During the event, our PhD student, Hasan Dikyuva presented an insightful lecture on:

"The Status of Turkish Sign Language (TID): What has Happened so Far?" 

The current status of Turkish Sign Language (TID) in Turkey encompasses various aspects such as education, research, community involvement, and interpreter training. Turkey's educational infrastructure includes 42 primary and secondary schools for the deaf, 12 high schools for the deaf, and one university dedicated to deaf students. The deaf community in Turkey is supported by a network of non-governmental organizations, including 133 Deaf Associations, 10 Deaf Federations, and a Deaf Confederation, collectively representing over 84,595 members.

Extensive research on TID has been conducted, with contributions from 116 native signers and over 108 hours of video recordings. These studies have garnered government attention and underscore significant findings in phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics, forming a substantial body of evidence. These recordings have been instrumental in developing a contemporary Turkish Sign Language dictionary and curriculum.

A comprehensive curriculum for TID interpreters is being developed, emphasizing the necessity for proficiency in sign language, Turkish, and other relevant areas such as legal and medical translation. Surveys conducted with 212 deaf participants highlight the skills and knowledge expected from interpreters, including the ability to accurately translate written and spoken content into sign language. These surveys underscore the perspectives and needs of the deaf community, ensuring that their voices are heard and considered in the curriculum development.

The presentation outlines future plans for aligning TID interpreter programs with international standards and integrating them into higher education curricula in Turkey. Currently, there are no Bachelor's programs for TID interpretation, resulting in a significant communication gap within the deaf community. The establishment of a Bachelor's program in TID Interpretation is proposed to further professionalize and enhance the quality of services provided to the deaf community.

Conference Page

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