Laura Hahn will defend her thesis on Tuesday 1st of February 2022
24 January 2022

On Tuesday 1 February 2022, at 16.30 (CET), Laura Hahn will defend her thesis entitled 'Infants' perception of sound patterns in oral language play'. Due to the restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, and the corresponding limitations regarding number of guests allowed in the Academiezaal, the event will be accessible via live-stream. As with all defenses, it is a public event and everybody is welcome to join online.
Parents and caregivers all over the world make use of language play. They rhyme and sing songs for their children and engage them in finger plays. To date it has been unclear whether babies already perceive linguistic information provided in language play.
Laura Hahn provides evidence for the perception of rhyme, rhythm and phrases in oral language play in infant and adult listeners. There were also associations between perceiving these sound patterns in language play and later language development. Linguistic patterns transmitted in the acoustic shape of oral language play are thus not merely a sea of sound for infant listeners and recognizing these patterns might have consequences for children’ s language development.
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