Dilay Karadoller


Displaying 1 - 31 of 31
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Özyürek, A., & Ünal, E. (2024). Children’s visual attention when planning informative multimodal descriptions of spatial relations. Talk presented at the 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024). Prague, Czech Republic. 2024-07-15 - 2024-07-19.
  • Yilmaz, B., Doğan, I., Kaya, E. N., Karadöller, D. Z., Demir-Lira, E., & Göksun, T. (2024). The predictive role of gestures and parental input in mathematical development:An intervention study. Talk presented at the 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024). Prague, Czech Republic. 2024-07-15 - 2024-07-19.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Kırbaşoğlu, K., Sumer, B., & Ünal, E. (2023). Children use gestures to increase the informativeness of their spatial expressions depending on the complexity of spatial relations. Talk presented at the 1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2023). Barcelona, Spain. 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Manhardt, F., Peeters, D., Özyürek, A., & Ortega, G. (2022). Beyond cognates: Both iconicity and gestures pave the way for speakers in learning signs in L2 at first exposure. Talk presented at the 9th International Society for Gesture Studies conference (ISGS 2022). Chicago, IL, USA. 2022-07-12 - 2022-07-15.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Manhardt, F., Peeters, D., Özyürek, A., & Ortega, G. (2022). Beyond cognates: Both iconicity and gestures pave the way for speakers in learning signs in L2 at first exposure. Talk presented at the International Conference on Sign Language Acqusition (ICSLA 4). online. 2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Relationship between spatial language experience and spatial memory: Evidence from deaf children with late sign language exposure. Talk presented at the International Conference on Sign Language Acqusition (ICSLA 4). online. 2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Geç işaret dilini ediniminin uzamsal dil ve bellek ilişkisine etkileri [Effect of late sign language acquisition on the relationship between spatial language and memory]. Talk presented at 3. Gelişim Psikolojisi Sempozyumu [3rd Symposium on Developmental Psychology]. Istanbul, Turkey. 2022-07-08 - 2022-07-09.
  • Kırbaşoğlu, K., Ünal, E., Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Konuşma ve jestlerde uzamsal ifadelerin gelişimi [Development of spatial expressions on speech and gesture]. Poster presented at 3. Gelişim Psikolojisi Sempozyumu [3rd Symposium on Developmental Psychology], Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Ünal, E., Kırbaşoğlu, K., Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Children's multimodal spatial expressions vary across the complexity of relations. Poster presented at the 8th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science, online.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ozyurek, A., & Ünal, E. (2021). Producing informative expressions of Left-Right relations: Differences between children and adults in using multimodal encoding strategies. Talk presented at the 15th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2021). online. 2021-07-15 - 2021-07-23.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Ozyurek, A. (2021). Spatial language use predicts spatial memory of children: Evidence from sign, speech, and speech-plus-gesture. Talk presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021). online. 2021-07-24 - 2021-07-26.
  • Karadöller, D. Z. (2020). Producing informative expressions of Left-Right relations: Differences between children and adults in using multimodal encoding strategies [invited talk]. Talk presented at the MPI Lunch Talk. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2020-02-28.


    Spatial relations (e.g., Left-Right) are challenging for children and appear at later stages of language development. However, these findings come from studies focusing on speech only. Prior work has shown that children express some concepts in gesture before speech. A study investigating descriptions of spatial layout of hidden items in a room found that 8-year-olds rarely encode the spatial location of items in speech but use gestures to convey the locations when prompted to gesture. We investigated if 8-year-olds’ spontaneous gestures express spatial relations between two items earlier than speech focusing on Left-Right relations. We found that children did not encode Left-Right relations between two entities in speech as frequently as adults did. Rather, they preferred multimodal encodings mostly using two-handed placement gestures. Our results add to the literature on gestures preceding spatial language development in children and extend previous findings to spontaneous use of gestures and Left-Right relations.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Ozyurek, A. (2020). Sign advantage for children: Signing children’s spatial expressions are more informative than speaking children’s speech and gestures combined. Talk presented at the 45th Annual Boston University (Virtual) Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 45). Boston, MA, USA. 2020-11-05 - 2020-11-08.
  • Özer, D., Karadöller, D. Z., Türkmen, I., Ozyurek, A., & Göksun, T. (2020). Informativeness of gestures in speech context guides visual attention during comprehension of spatial language. Talk presented at the 7th Gesture and Speech Interaction (GESPIN 2020). Stockholm, Sweden. 2020-09-07 - 2020-09-09.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Ünal, E., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2019). Children but not adults use both speech and gesture to produce informative expressions of Left-Right relations. Poster presented at the Donders Poster Sessions 2019, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Ünal, E., Sumer, B., Göksun, T., Özer, D., & Ozyurek, A. (2019). Children but not adults use both speech and gesture to produce informative expressions of Left-Right relations. Poster presented at the 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 44), Boston, MA, USA.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2018). Delayed sign language acquisition: How does it impact spatial language use?. Talk presented at Sign Pop Up Meetings 2018. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2018-04-03 - 2018-02-28.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2018). Delayed sign language acquisition: How does it impact spatial language use?. Talk presented at the Center for Language Colloquium Series 2018. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2018-03-14 - 2018-02-28.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2018). Effects of delayed sign language exposure on acquisition of static spatial relations. Poster presented at the Nijmegen Lectures 2018, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2018). Effects of delayed sign language exposure on spatial language acquisition by deaf children and adults. Poster presented at the 3rd International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition (ICSLA 2018), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). Effects of delayed language exposure on spatial language acquisition by signing children and adults. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2017), London, UK.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). Effects of delayed sign language exposure on acquisition of spatial event descriptions. Poster presented at the workshop 'Event Representations in Brain, Language & Development' (EvRep), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). Effects of delayed sign language exposure on acquisition of static spatial relations. Poster presented at the Donders Poster Sessions, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). Effects of delayed sign language exposure on spatial language acquisition. Talk presented at the Spatial Language and Spatial Cognition Workshop. Trondheim, Norway. 2017-12-06 - 2017-12-07.
  • Manhardt, F., Brouwer, S., Sumer, B., Karadöller, D. Z., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). The influence of iconic linguistic expressions on spatial event cognition across signers and speakers: An eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the sixth meeting of Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST 2017), Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Manhardt, F., Brouwer, S., Sumer, B., Karadöller, D. Z., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). The influence of iconic linguistic expressions on spatial event cognition across signers and speakers: An eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the workshop Types of Iconicity in Language Use, Development, and Processing, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Ter Bekke, M., Ünal, E., Karadöller, D. Z., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). Cross-linguistic effects of speech and gesture production on memory of motion events. Poster presented at the workshop 'Event Representations in Brain, Language & Development' (EvRep), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2016). Effect of language modality on development of spatial cognition and memory. Poster presented at the Language in Interaction Summerschool on Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior, Berg en Dal, The Netherlands.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Boduroglu, A., & Schwartz, B. L. (2016). The effect of timing and stimulus qualities on feeling-of-knowing judgments. Poster presented at the International Conference on Memory (ICOM 6), Budapest, Hungary.
  • Yilmaz, O., Karadöller, D. Z., & Sofuoğlu, G. (2015). Analytic thinking, religion and prejudice: An experimental testing of the dual-process model of mind. Poster presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science (ISBCS 2015), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Karadöller, D. Z., Mutafoğlu, M., & Tekcan, A. (2013). Effects of cue modality on autobiographical remembering in blind, blindfolded, and sighted individuals. Poster presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Toronto, Canada.

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