Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Karadöller, D. Z., Özyürek, A., & Ünal, E. (2024). Children’s visual attention when planning informative multimodal descriptions of spatial relations. Talk presented at the 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024). Prague, Czech Republic. 2024-07-15 - 2024-07-19.
Karadöller, D. Z., Kırbaşoğlu, K., Sumer, B., & Ünal, E. (2023). Children use gestures to increase the informativeness of their spatial expressions depending on the complexity of spatial relations. Talk presented at the 1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2023). Barcelona, Spain. 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28.
Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Relationship between spatial language experience and spatial memory: Evidence from deaf children with late sign language exposure. Talk presented at the International Conference on Sign Language Acqusition (ICSLA 4). online. 2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25.
Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Geç işaret dilini ediniminin uzamsal dil ve bellek ilişkisine etkileri [Effect of late sign language acquisition on the relationship between spatial language and memory]. Talk presented at 3. Gelişim Psikolojisi Sempozyumu [3rd Symposium on Developmental Psychology]. Istanbul, Turkey. 2022-07-08 - 2022-07-09.
Kırbaşoğlu, K., Ünal, E., Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Konuşma ve jestlerde uzamsal ifadelerin gelişimi [Development of spatial expressions on speech and gesture]. Poster presented at 3. Gelişim Psikolojisi Sempozyumu [3rd Symposium on Developmental Psychology], Istanbul, Turkey.
Özyürek, A., Ünal, E., Manhardt, F., & Brouwer, S. (2022). Modality specific differences in speech, gesture and sign modulate visual attention differentially during message preparation. Talk presented at the 9th International Society for Gesture Studies conference (ISGS 2022). Chicago, IL, USA. 2022-07-12 - 2022-07-15.
Ünal, E., Kırbaşoğlu, K., Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Children's multimodal spatial expressions vary across the complexity of relations. Poster presented at the 8th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science, online.
Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ozyurek, A., & Ünal, E. (2021). Producing informative expressions of Left-Right relations: Differences between children and adults in using multimodal encoding strategies. Talk presented at the 15th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2021). online. 2021-07-15 - 2021-07-23.
Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Ozyurek, A. (2021). Spatial language use predicts spatial memory of children: Evidence from sign, speech, and speech-plus-gesture. Talk presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021). online. 2021-07-24 - 2021-07-26.
Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., Ünal, E., & Ozyurek, A. (2020). Sign advantage for children: Signing children’s spatial expressions are more informative than speaking children’s speech and gestures combined. Talk presented at the 45th Annual Boston University (Virtual) Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 45). Boston, MA, USA. 2020-11-05 - 2020-11-08.
Karadöller, D. Z., Ünal, E., Sumer, B., & Ozyurek, A. (2019). Children but not adults use both speech and gesture to produce informative expressions of Left-Right relations. Poster presented at the Donders Poster Sessions 2019, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Karadöller, D. Z., Ünal, E., Sumer, B., Göksun, T., Özer, D., & Ozyurek, A. (2019). Children but not adults use both speech and gesture to produce informative expressions of Left-Right relations. Poster presented at the 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 44), Boston, MA, USA.
Ünal, E., & Flecken, M. (2019). Universality and diversity in event cognition. Talk presented at International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2019). Paris, France. 2019-03-07 - 2019-03-09.
Ter Bekke, M., Ünal, E., Karadöller, D. Z., & Ozyurek, A. (2017). Cross-linguistic effects of speech and gesture production on memory of motion events. Poster presented at the workshop 'Event Representations in Brain, Language & Development' (EvRep), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
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