The correlation between auditory speech sensitivity and speaker recognition ability
In various applications of forensic phonetics the question arises as to how far
aural-perceptual speaker recognition performance is reliable. Therefore, it is necessary to
examine the relationship between speaker recognition results and human perception/production
abilities like musicality or speech sensitivity. In this study, performance in a speaker recognition
experiment and a speech sensitivity test are correlated. The results show a moderately significant
positive correlation between the two tasks. Generally, performance in the speaker recognition
task was better than in the speech sensitivity test. Professionals in speech and singing yielded a
more homogeneous correlation than non-experts. Training in speech as well as choir-singing
seems to have a positive effect on performance in speaker recognition. It may be concluded,
firstly, that in cases where the reliability of voice line-up results or the credibility of a testimony
have to be considered, the speech sensitivity test could be a useful indicator. Secondly, the
speech sensitivity test might be integrated into the canon of possible procedures for the
accreditation of forensic phoneticians. Both tests may also be used in combination.
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