Pronouns and the (Preliminary) Classification of Papuan languages
A series of articles by Ross (1995, 2001, 2005) use pronoun sim-
ilarities to gauge relatedness between various Papuan microgroups,
arguing that the similarities could not be the result of chance or bor-
rowing. I argue that a more appropriate manner of calculating chance
gives a signicantly dierent result: when cross-comparing a pool of
languages the prospects for chance matches of rst and second person
pronouns are very good. Using pronoun form data from over 3000 lan-
guages and over 300 language families inside and outside New Guinea,
I show that there is, nevertheless, a tendency for Papuan pronouns to
use certain consonants more often in 1P and 2P SG forms than in the
rest of the world. This could reect an underlying family. An alter-
native explanation is the established Papuan areal feature of having a
small consonant inventory, which results in a higher functional load on
the remaining consonants, which is, in turn, reected in the enhanced
popularity of certain consonants in pronouns of those languages. A
test of surface forms (i.e., non-reconstructed forms) favours the latter
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