Listeners converge to fundamental frequency in synchronous speech

Uluşahin, O., Bosker, H. R., McQueen, J. M., & Meyer, A. S. (2023). Listeners converge to fundamental frequency in synchronous speech. Poster presented at the 19th NVP Winter Conference on Brain and Cognition, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Convergence broadly refers to interlocutors’ tendency to progressively sound more like each other over time. Recent empirical work has used various experimental paradigms to observe convergence in voice fundamental frequency (f0). One study used stable mean f0 over trials in a synchronous speech task with manipulated (i.e., high and low) f0 conditions (Bradshaw & McGettigan, 2021). Here, we attempted to replicate this study in Dutch. First, in a reading task, participants read 40 sentences at their own pace to establish f0 baselines. Later, in a synchronous speech task, participants read 80 sentences in synchrony with a speaker whose voice was manipulated ±2st above or below (i.e., for the high and low f0 conditions, respectively) a reference mean f0 value. The reference mean f0 value and the manipulation size were obtained across multiple pre-tests. Our results revealed that the f0 manipulation significantly predicted f0 convergence in both high f0 and low f0 conditions. Furthermore, the proportion of convergers in the sample was larger than those reported by Bradshaw & McGettigan, highlighting the benefits of stimulus optimization. Our study thus provides stronger evidence that the pitch of two talkers tends to converge as they speak together.
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