The encoding of manner predications and resultatives in Oceanic: A typological and historical overview

Verkerk, A., & Frostad, B. H. (2013). The encoding of manner predications and resultatives in Oceanic: A typological and historical overview. Oceanic Linguistics, 52, 1-35. doi:10.1353/ol.2013.0010.
This paper is concerned with the encoding of resultatives and manner predications in Oceanic languages. Our point of departure is a typological overview of the encoding strategies and their geographical distribution, and we investigate their historical traits by the use of phylogenetic comparative methods. A full theory of the historical pathways is not always accessible for all the attested encoding strategies, given the data available for this study. However, tentative theories about the development and origin of the attested strategies are given. One of the most frequent strategy types used to encode both manner predications and resultatives has been given special emphasis. This is a construction in which a reex form of the Proto-Oceanic causative *pa-/*paka- modies the second verb in serial verb constructions
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