Very quaffable and great fun: Applying NLP to wine reviews
We automatically predict properties of
wines on the basis of smell and flavor de-
scriptions from experts’ wine reviews. We
show wine experts are capable of describ-
ing their smell and flavor experiences in
wine reviews in a sufficiently consistent
manner, such that we can use their descrip-
tions to predict properties of a wine based
solely on language. The experimental re-
sults show promising F-scores when using
lexical and semantic information to predict
the color, grape variety, country of origin,
and price of a wine. This demonstrates,
contrary to popular opinion, that wine ex-
perts’ reviews really are informative.
wines on the basis of smell and flavor de-
scriptions from experts’ wine reviews. We
show wine experts are capable of describ-
ing their smell and flavor experiences in
wine reviews in a sufficiently consistent
manner, such that we can use their descrip-
tions to predict properties of a wine based
solely on language. The experimental re-
sults show promising F-scores when using
lexical and semantic information to predict
the color, grape variety, country of origin,
and price of a wine. This demonstrates,
contrary to popular opinion, that wine ex-
perts’ reviews really are informative.
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