Functions of nominal apposition in Vulgar and Late Latin: Change in progress?
Analysis of the functions of nominal apposition in a number of Latin authors representing different periods, genres, and
linguistic registers shows (1) that nominal apposition in Latin had a wide variety of functions; (2) that genre had some
effect on functional use; (3) that change did not affect semantic fields as such; and (4) that with time the occurrence of
apposition increasingly came to depend on the semantic field and within the semantic field on the individual lexical items.
The ‘per-word’ treatment –also attested for the structural development of nominal apposition– underscores the specific
characteristics of nominal apposition as a phenomenon at the cross-roads of syntax and derivational morphology
linguistic registers shows (1) that nominal apposition in Latin had a wide variety of functions; (2) that genre had some
effect on functional use; (3) that change did not affect semantic fields as such; and (4) that with time the occurrence of
apposition increasingly came to depend on the semantic field and within the semantic field on the individual lexical items.
The ‘per-word’ treatment –also attested for the structural development of nominal apposition– underscores the specific
characteristics of nominal apposition as a phenomenon at the cross-roads of syntax and derivational morphology
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