Morphological theory and neurolinguistics

Schiller, N. O., & Verdonschot, R. G. (2018). Morphological theory and neurolinguistics. In J. Audring, & F. Masini (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory (pp. 554-572). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
This chapter describes neurolinguistic aspects of morphology, morphological theory, and especially morphological processing. It briefly mentions the main processing models in the literature and how they deal with morphological issues, i.e. full-listing models (all morphologically related words are listed separately in the lexicon and are processed individually), full-parsing or decompositional models (morphologically related words are not listed in the lexicon but are decomposed into their constituent morphemes, each of which is listed in the lexicon), and hybrid, so-called dual route, models (regular morphologically related words are decomposed, irregular words are listed). The chapter also summarizes some important findings from the literature that bear on neurolinguistic aspects of morphological processing, from both language comprehension and language production, taking into consideration neuropsychological patient studies as well as studies employing neuroimaging methods.
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Book chapter
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