Sensitivity to auditory feedback and individual variability
Monitoring auditory feedback is important for fluent speech production as it enables correction of vocalization errors. Influence of auditory feedback is best illustrated by manipulating it during speech production. A common temporal manipulation technique is delaying auditory feedback (DAF), which disrupts speech fluency, and a common spectral manipulation technique is perturbing the pitch of auditory feedback, which elicits vocal changes. We aimed to understand whether there is a correlation between sensitivity to temporal versus spectral manipulations of auditory feedback. We collected data from 40 participants. In the DAF task, participants repeated sentences, and auditory feedback was presented with 0 or 200ms delay. In the pitch perturbation task, participants phonated the vowel /a/ for 4 seconds and pitch of the auditory feedback was shifted by ±100 or ±200 cents.Voice recordings were analyzed using LME models to test the effects of feedback manipulations. We found that DAF significantly prolonged articulation duration and increased both voice pitch and intensity. Additionaly we found that large pitch shifts elicited less compensatory responses. There was a large individual variability in sensitivity to feedback manipulations for both tasks, however there was no correlation between the sensitivity profiles between tasks, suggesting that these features are processed differently.
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