No morphological connections between L2 past-tense and present-tense verbs for low-proficient bilinguals: Evidence from masked priming

Wanner-Kawahara, J., Yoshihara, M., Lupker, S. J., Verdonschot, R. G., & Nakayama, M. (2025). No morphological connections between L2 past-tense and present-tense verbs for low-proficient bilinguals: Evidence from masked priming. International Journal of Bilingualism. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/13670069241311022.
Aims and objectives:
Masked priming lexical decision research involving relatively high-proficient Japanese–English bilinguals suggests that past-tense and present-tense morphological connections (e.g., fell-FALL and looked-LOOK) are represented in their L2 (English) lexicons in a way that is similar to how they are represented in L1 (English) lexicons. The goal of the present research was to determine whether the same is true for low-proficient Japanese–English bilinguals.

Seventy-seven low-proficient Japanese–English bilinguals were tested in the masked priming lexical decision task. We manipulated the morphological or orthographic similarity between L2 English prime-target pairs.

Data and analysis:
We analyzed response latencies and error rates using (generalized) linear mixed-effects models.

Although participants responded significantly faster to targets preceded by past-tense primes (e.g., fell-FALL and looked-LOOK) when compared to unrelated primes (e.g., slow-FALL and danger-LOOK), those priming effects were the same size as priming effects produced by orthographically similar primes (e.g., fill-FALL and lonely-LOOK), suggesting that the facilitation from past-tense primes is likely orthographic in nature. Nevertheless, the low-proficient bilinguals showed significant L2-L2 repetition priming (e.g., fall-FALL and look-LOOK), suggesting that, for those individuals, L2 (English) words are at least represented at the lexical level.

The present study empirically confirmed a prediction, derived from a post hoc exploratory analysis in our previous research, that masked morphological priming effects are no larger than orthographic priming effects in low-proficient bilinguals. This indicates that a certain level of functional proficiency is required to observe morphological priming effects for Japanese–English bilinguals.

Our results suggest that morphological connections in L2 are not yet established for low-proficient bilinguals, even when L2 words are lexically represented in their mental lexicon.
Publication type
Journal article
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