A crosslinguistic perspective on semantic cognition [commentary on Precis of Semantic cognition: A parallel distributed approach by Timothy T. Rogers and James L. McClelland]

Majid, A., & Huettig, F. (2008). A crosslinguistic perspective on semantic cognition [commentary on Precis of Semantic cognition: A parallel distributed approach by Timothy T. Rogers and James L. McClelland]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31(6), 720-721. doi:10.1017/S0140525X08005967.
Coherent covariation appears to be a powerful explanatory factor accounting for a range of phenomena in semantic cognition. But its role in accounting for the crosslinguistic facts is less clear. Variation in naming, within the same semantic domain, raises vexing questions about the necessary parameters needed to account for the basic facts underlying categorization.
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Journal article
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