Stephanie Forkel


Displaying 1 - 53 of 53
  • Basile, G. A., Nozais, V., Quartarone, A., Giustiniani, A., Ielo, A., Cerasa, A., Anastasi, G. P., Milardi, D., Abdallah, M., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Forkel, S. J., & Cacciola, A. (in press). Functional anatomy and topographical organization of the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculus. Communications Biology.
  • Fekonja, L. S., Forkel, S. J., Baran Aydogan, D., Lioumis, P., Cacciola, A., Weiß Lucas, C., Tournier, J. D., Vergani, F., Schenk, R., Shams, B., Engelhardt, M. J., & Picht, T. (in press). Translational Network Neuroscience: 9 Roadblocks and possible solutions. Network Neuroscience.
  • Forkel, S. J. (in press). Disrupted dialoagues: The impact of social media fragmentation on science communication. Cortex.
  • Dulyan, L., Guzmán Chacón, E. G., & Forkel, S. J. (2025). Navigating neuroanatomy. In J. H. Grafman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the human brain (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier.


    This chapter introduces the origins and development of our current anatomical terminology. It scrutinizes the historical evolution and etymological significance of the over 1900 official anatomical terms in the current nomenclature, underscoring their impact on the contemporary comprehension of cognitive neuroanatomy. The chapter traces unification efforts from the Basel Nomina Anatomica in 1895 to the 1998 Terminologia Anatomica, noting challenges arising from outdated terminology in light of recent anatomical advancements.

    Highlighting the influence of terminologies on interpretations of brain anatomy, the chapter explores several anatomical mapping methods such as surface, sectional, connectional, and functional anatomy. It illuminates discrepancies and controversies, exemplified by divergent interpretations of the number of brain lobes and the definitions of 'Broca' and 'Wernicke' areas.

    The chapter explores anatomical terms' historical and cultural underpinnings, encompassing mythonyms, eponyms, and cultural influences on nomenclature. It critically examines the implications of these terminologies on contemporary research and shows that Large Language Models mirror these discrepancies. It underscores the need for more inclusive and culturally sensitive approaches in anatomical education.

    Lastly, we advocate for updating anatomical nomenclature, suggesting that a deeper understanding of these terminologies could provide insights and aid in resolving ongoing debates in the field. This examination sheds light on historical knowledge and emphasizes the dynamic interplay between language, culture, and anatomy in shaping our comprehension of the neurobiology of the brain and how we navigate neuroanatomy in the 21st century.
  • Amunts, K., Axer, M., Banerjee, S., Bitsch, L., Bjaalie, J. G., Brauner, P., Brovelli, A., Calarco, N., Carrere, M., Caspers, S., Charvet, C. J., Cichon, S., Cools, R., Costantini, I., D’Angelo, E. U., Bonis, G. D., Deco, G., DeFelipe, J., Destexhe, A., Dickscheid, T. Amunts, K., Axer, M., Banerjee, S., Bitsch, L., Bjaalie, J. G., Brauner, P., Brovelli, A., Calarco, N., Carrere, M., Caspers, S., Charvet, C. J., Cichon, S., Cools, R., Costantini, I., D’Angelo, E. U., Bonis, G. D., Deco, G., DeFelipe, J., Destexhe, A., Dickscheid, T., Diesmann, M., Düzel, E., Eickhoff, S. B., Einevoll, G., Eke, D., Engel, A. K., Evans, A. C., Evers, K., Fedorchenko, N., Forkel, S. J., Fousek, J., Friederici, A. D., Friston, K., Furber, S., Geris, L., Goebel, R., Güntürkün, O., Hamid, A. I. A., Herold, C., Hilgetag, C. C., Hölter, S. M., Ioannidis, Y., Jirsa, V., Kashyap, S., Kasper, B. S., Kerchove de d’Exaerde, A., Kooijmans, R., Koren, I., Kotaleski, J. H., Kiar, G., Klijn, W., Klüver, L., Knoll, A. C., Krsnik, Z., Kämpfer, J., Larkum, M. E., Linne, M.-L., Lippert, T., Malin Abdullah, J. M., Maio, P. D., Magielse, N., Maquet, P., Mascaro, A. L. A., Marinazzo, D., Mejias, J., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Migliore, M., Michael, J., Morel, Y., Morin, F. O., Muckli, L., Nagels, G., Oden, L., Palomero-Gallagher, N., Panagiotaropoulos, F., Paolucci, P. S., Pennartz, C., Peeters, L. M., Petkoski, S., Petkov, N., Petro, L. S., Petrovici, M. A., Pezzulo, G., Roelfsema, P., Ris, L., Ritter, P., Rockland, K., Rotter, S., Rowald, A., Ruland, S., Ryvlin, P., Salles, A., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., Schemmel, J., Senn, W., De Sousa, A. A., Ströckens, F., Thirion, B., Uludağ, K., Vanni, S., Van Albada, S. J., Vanduffel, W., Vezoli, J., Vincenz-Donnelly, L., Walter, F., & Zaborszky, L. (2024). The coming decade of digital brain research: A vision for neuroscience at the intersection of technology and computing. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-35. doi:10.1162/imag_a_00137.


    In recent years, brain research has indisputably entered a new epoch, driven by substantial methodological advances and digitally enabled data integration and modelling at multiple scales—from molecules to the whole brain. Major advances are emerging at the intersection of neuroscience with technology and computing. This new science of the brain combines high-quality research, data integration across multiple scales, a new culture of multidisciplinary large-scale collaboration, and translation into applications. As pioneered in Europe’s Human Brain Project (HBP), a systematic approach will be essential for meeting the coming decade’s pressing medical and technological challenges. The aims of this paper are to: develop a concept for the coming decade of digital brain research, discuss this new concept with the research community at large, identify points of convergence, and derive therefrom scientific common goals; provide a scientific framework for the current and future development of EBRAINS, a research infrastructure resulting from the HBP’s work; inform and engage stakeholders, funding organisations and research institutions regarding future digital brain research; identify and address the transformational potential of comprehensive brain models for artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning; outline a collaborative approach that integrates reflection, dialogues, and societal engagement on ethical and societal opportunities and challenges as part of future neuroscience research.
  • Andrulyte, I., De Bezenac, C., Branzi, F., Forkel, S. J., Taylor, P. N., & Keller, S. S. (2024). The relationship between white matter architecture and language lateralisation in the healthy brain. The Journal of Neuroscience. Advance online publication. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0166-24.2024.


    Interhemispheric anatomical asymmetries have long been thought to be related to language lateralisation. Previous studies have explored whether asymmetries in the diffusion characteristics of white matter language tracts are consistent with language lateralisation. These studies, typically with smaller cohorts, yielded mixed results. This study investigated whether connectomic analysis of quantitative anisotropy (QA) and shape features of white matter tracts across the whole brain are associated with language lateralisation. We analysed 1040 healthy individuals from the Human Connectome Project database. Hemispheric language dominance for each participant was quantified using a laterality quotient (LQ) derived from fMRI activation in regions of interest (ROIs) associated with a language comprehension task compared against a math task. A linear regression model was used to examine the relationship between structural asymmetry and functional lateralisation. Connectometry revealed that LQs were significantly negatively correlated with QA of corpus callosum tracts, including forceps minor, body, tapetum, and forceps major, indicating that reduced language dominance (more bilateral language representation) is associated with increased QA in these regions. The QA of the left arcuate fasciculus, cingulum, and right cerebellar tracts was positively associated with LQ, suggesting that stronger structural asymmetry in these tracts may identify left language dominance. Language lateralisation was not significantly associated with the shape metrics (including length, span, curl, elongation, diameter, volume, and surface area) of all white matter tracts. These results suggest that diffusion measures of microstructural architecture, and not the geometric features of reconstructed white matter tracts, are associated with lateralisation of language comprehension functions. People with increased dependence on both cerebral hemispheres for language processing may have more developed commissural fibres, which may support more efficient interhemispheric communication.
  • Della Sala, S., Bathelt, J., Buchtel, H., Tavano, A., Press, C., Love, B., Croy, I., Morris, R., Kotz, S., Kopelman, M. D., Coco, M. I., Reber, P., Forkel, S. J., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2024). The future of science publishing. Cortex, 181, 93-100. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2024.10.005.
  • Forkel, S. J., & Hagoort, P. (2024). Redefining language networks: Connectivity beyond localised regions. Brain Structure & Function. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s00429-024-02859-4.
  • Guzmán Chacón, E., Ovando-Tellez, M., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., & Forkel, S. J. (2024). Embracing digital innovation in neuroscience: 2023 in review at NEUROCCINO. Brain Structure & Function, 229, 251-255. doi:10.1007/s00429-024-02768-6.
  • Hope, T. M. H., Neville, D., Talozzi, L., Foulon, C., Forkel, S. J., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., & Price, C. J. (2024). Testing the disconnectome symptom discoverer model on out-of-sample post-stroke language outcomes. Brain, 147(2), e11-e13. doi:10.1093/brain/awad352.


    Stroke is common, and its consequent brain damage can cause various cognitive impairments. Associations between where and how much brain lesion damage a patient has suffered, and the particular impairments that injury has caused (lesion-symptom associations) offer potentially compelling insights into how the brain implements cognition.1 A better understanding of those associations can also fill a gap in current stroke medicine by helping us to predict how individual patients might recover from post-stroke impairments.2 Most recent work in this area employs machine learning models trained with data from stroke patients whose mid-to-long-term outcomes are known.2-4 These machine learning models are tested by predicting new outcomes—typically scores on standardized tests of post-stroke impairment—for patients whose data were not used to train the model. Traditionally, these validation results have been shared in peer-reviewed publications describing the model and its training. But recently, and for the first time in this field (as far as we know), one of these pre-trained models has been made public—The Disconnectome Symptom Discoverer model (DSD) which draws its predictors from structural disconnection information inferred from stroke patients’ brain MRI.5

    Here, we test the DSD model on wholly independent data, never seen by the model authors, before they published it. Specifically, we test whether its predictive performance is just as accurate as (i.e. not significantly worse than) that reported in the original (Washington University) dataset, when predicting new patients’ outcomes at a similar time post-stroke (∼1 year post-stroke) and also in another independent sample tested later (5+ years) post-stroke. A failure to generalize the DSD model occurs if it performs significantly better in the Washington data than in our data from patients tested at a similar time point (∼1 year post-stroke). In addition, a significant decrease in predictive performance for the more chronic sample would be evidence that lesion-symptom associations differ at ∼1 year post-stroke and >5 years post-stroke.
  • Pacella, V., Nozais, V., Talozzi, L., Abdallah, M., Wassermann, D., Forkel, S. J., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2024). The morphospace of the brain-cognition organisation. Nature Communications, 15: 8452. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-52186-9.


    Over the past three decades, functional neuroimaging has amassed abundant evidence of the intricate interplay between brain structure and function. However, the potential anatomical and experimental overlap, independence, granularity, and gaps between functions remain poorly understood. Here, we show the latent structure of the current brain-cognition knowledge and its organisation. Our approach utilises the most comprehensive meta-analytic fMRI database (Neurosynth) to compute a three-dimensional embedding space–morphospace capturing the relationship between brain functions as we currently understand them. The space structure enables us to statistically test the relationship between functions expressed as the degree to which the characteristics of each functional map can be anticipated based on its similarities with others–the predictability index. The morphospace can also predict the activation pattern of new, unseen functions and decode thoughts and inner states during movie watching. The framework defined by the morphospace will spur the investigation of novel functions and guide the exploration of the fabric of human cognition.

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  • Nozais, V., Forkel, S. J., Petit, L., Talozzi, L., Corbetta, M., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., & Joliot, M. (2023). Atlasing white matter and grey matter joint contributions to resting-state networks in the human brain. Communications Biology, 6: 726. doi:10.1038/s42003-023-05107-3.


    Over the past two decades, the study of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging has revealed that functional connectivity within and between networks is linked to cognitive states and pathologies. However, the white matter connections supporting this connectivity remain only partially described. We developed a method to jointly map the white and grey matter contributing to each resting-state network (RSN). Using the Human Connectome Project, we generated an atlas of 30 RSNs. The method also highlighted the overlap between networks, which revealed that most of the brain’s white matter (89%) is shared between multiple RSNs, with 16% shared by at least 7 RSNs. These overlaps, especially the existence of regions shared by numerous networks, suggest that white matter lesions in these areas might strongly impact the communication within networks. We provide an atlas and an open-source software to explore the joint contribution of white and grey matter to RSNs and facilitate the study of the impact of white matter damage to these networks. In a first application of the software with clinical data, we were able to link stroke patients and impacted RSNs, showing that their symptoms aligned well with the estimated functions of the networks.
  • Parlatini, V., Itahashi, T., Lee, Y., Liu, S., Nguyen, T. T., Aoki, Y. Y., Forkel, S. J., Catani, M., Rubia, K., Zhou, J. H., Murphy, D. G., & Cortese, S. (2023). White matter alterations in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a systematic review of 129 diffusion imaging studies with meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry, 28, 4098-4123. doi:10.1038/s41380-023-02173-1.


    Aberrant anatomical brain connections in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are reported inconsistently across
    diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) studies. Based on a pre-registered protocol (Prospero: CRD42021259192), we searched PubMed,
    Ovid, and Web of Knowledge until 26/03/2022 to conduct a systematic review of DWI studies. We performed a quality assessment
    based on imaging acquisition, preprocessing, and analysis. Using signed differential mapping, we meta-analyzed a subset of the
    retrieved studies amenable to quantitative evidence synthesis, i.e., tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) studies, in individuals of any
    age and, separately, in children, adults, and high-quality datasets. Finally, we conducted meta-regressions to test the effect of age,
    sex, and medication-naïvety. We included 129 studies (6739 ADHD participants and 6476 controls), of which 25 TBSS studies
    provided peak coordinates for case-control differences in fractional anisotropy (FA)(32 datasets) and 18 in mean diffusivity (MD)(23
    datasets). The systematic review highlighted white matter alterations (especially reduced FA) in projection, commissural and
    association pathways of individuals with ADHD, which were associated with symptom severity and cognitive deficits. The meta-
    analysis showed a consistent reduced FA in the splenium and body of the corpus callosum, extending to the cingulum. Lower FA
    was related to older age, and case-control differences did not survive in the pediatric meta-analysis. About 68% of studies were of
    low quality, mainly due to acquisitions with non-isotropic voxels or lack of motion correction; and the sensitivity analysis in high-
    quality datasets yielded no significant results. Findings suggest prominent alterations in posterior interhemispheric connections
    subserving cognitive and motor functions affected in ADHD, although these might be influenced by non-optimal acquisition
    parameters/preprocessing. Absence of findings in children may be related to the late development of callosal fibers, which may
    enhance case-control differences in adulthood. Clinicodemographic and methodological differences were major barriers to
    consistency and comparability among studies, and should be addressed in future investigations.
  • Akeret, K., Forkel, S. J., Buzzi, R. M., Vasella, F., Amrein, I., Colacicco, G., Regli, L., Serra, C., & Krayenbühl, N. (2022). Multimodal anatomy of the human forniceal commissure. Communications Biology, 5: 742. doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03692-3.


    Ambiguity surrounds the existence and morphology of the human forniceal commissure. We combine advanced in-vivo tractography, multidirectional ex-vivo fiber dissection, and multiplanar histological analysis to characterize this structure’s anatomy. Across all 178 subjects, in-vivo fiber dissection based on the Human Connectome Project 7 T MRI data identifies no interhemispheric connections between the crura fornicis. Multidirectional ex-vivo fiber dissection under the operating microscope demonstrates the psalterium as a thin soft-tissue membrane spanning between the right and left crus fornicis, but exposes no commissural fibers. Multiplanar histological analysis with myelin and Bielchowsky silver staining, however, visualizes delicate cruciform fibers extending between the crura fornicis, enclosed by connective tissue, the psalterium. The human forniceal commissure is therefore much more delicate than previously described and presented in anatomical textbooks. This finding is consistent with the observed phylogenetic trend of a reduction of the forniceal commissure in non-human primates compared to non-primate eutherian mammals.

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  • Alves, P. N., Forkel, S. J., Corbetta, M., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2022). The subcortical and neurochemical organization of the ventral and dorsal attention networks. Communications Biology, 5: 1343. doi:10.1038/s42003-022-04281-0.


    Attention is a core cognitive function that filters and selects behaviourally relevant information in the environment. The cortical mapping of attentional systems identified two segregated networks that mediate stimulus-driven and goal-driven processes, the Ventral and the Dorsal Attention Networks (VAN, DAN). Deep brain electrophysiological recordings, behavioral data from phylogenetic distant species, and observations from human brain pathologies challenge purely corticocentric models. Here, we used advanced methods of functional alignment applied to resting-state functional connectivity analyses to map the subcortical architecture of the Ventral and Dorsal Attention Networks. Our investigations revealed the involvement of the pulvinar, the superior colliculi, the head of caudate nuclei, and a cluster of brainstem nuclei relevant to both networks. These nuclei are densely connected structural network hubs, as revealed by diffusion-weighted imaging tractography. Their projections establish interrelations with the acetylcholine nicotinic receptor as well as dopamine and serotonin transporters, as demonstrated in a spatial correlation analysis with a normative atlas of neurotransmitter systems. This convergence of functional, structural, and neurochemical evidence provides a comprehensive framework to understand the neural basis of attention across different species and brain diseases.
  • Boraud, T., & Forkel, S. J. (2022). Paul Broca: from fame to shame? Brain, 145(3), 801-804. doi:10.1093/brain/awab444.


    In 2016, the University of Bordeaux ran a competition within the local neuroscience community to find a
    name for its new neuroscience building. The name of Paul Broca, who was born nearby in 1824, was chosen
    in honour of his origins and his contributions to neuroscience. Recently, however, a debate has been ignited
    about the appropriateness of this choice, given Broca’s endorsement of physiological anthropology. At a time
    when academic institutions worldwide are revising their curricula to better reflect the contributions of pre-
    viously overlooked groups, how should we respond when the views of the ‘founding fathers’ of neurology
    clash with those of society today?

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  • Dulyan, L., Talozzi, L., Pacella, V., Corbetta, M., Forkel, S. J., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2022). Longitudinal prediction of motor dysfunction after stroke: a disconnectome study. Brain Structure and Function, 227, 3085-3098. doi:10.1007/s00429-022-02589-5.


    Motricity is the most commonly affected ability after a stroke. While many clinical studies attempt to predict motor symptoms at different chronic time points after a stroke, longitudinal acute-to-chronic studies remain scarce. Taking advantage of recent advances in mapping brain disconnections, we predict motor outcomes in 62 patients assessed longitudinally two weeks, three months, and one year after their stroke. Results indicate that brain disconnection patterns accurately predict motor impairments. However, disconnection patterns leading to impairment differ between the three-time points and between left and right motor impairments. These results were cross-validated using resampling techniques. In sum, we demonstrated that while some neuroplasticity mechanisms exist changing the structure–function relationship, disconnection patterns prevail when predicting motor impairment at different time points after stroke.

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  • Forkel, S. J., Labache, L., Nachev, P., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., & Hesling, I. (2022). Stroke disconnectome decodes reading networks. Brain Structure and Function, 227, 2897-2908. doi:10.1007/s00429-022-02575-x.


    Cognitive functional neuroimaging has been around for over 30 years and has shed light on the brain areas relevant for reading. However, new methodological developments enable mapping the interaction between functional imaging and the underlying white matter networks. In this study, we used such a novel method, called the disconnectome, to decode the reading circuitry in the brain. We used the resulting disconnection patterns to predict a typical lesion that would lead to reading deficits after brain damage. Our results suggest that white matter connections critical for reading include fronto-parietal U-shaped fibres and the vertical occipital fasciculus (VOF). The lesion most predictive of a reading deficit would impinge on the left temporal, occipital, and inferior parietal gyri. This novel framework can systematically be applied to bridge the gap between the neuropathology of language and cognitive neuroscience.
  • Forkel, S. J. (2022). Lesion-Symptom Mapping: From Single Cases to the Human Disconnectome. In S. Della Salla (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience (2nd edition, pp. 142-154). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-819641-0.00056-6.


    Lesion symptom mapping has revolutionized our understanding of the functioning of the human brain. Associating damaged voxels in the brain with loss of function has created a map of the brain that identifies critical areas. While these methods have significantly advanced our understanding, recent improvements have identified the need for multivariate and multimodal methods to map hidden lesions and damage to white matter networks beyond the lesion voxels. This article reviews the evolution of lesion-symptom mapping from single case studies to the human disconnectome.
  • Forkel, S. J., Friedrich, P., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., & Howells, H. (2022). White matter variability, cognition, and disorders: a systematic review. Brain Structure & Function, 227, 529-544. doi:10.1007/s00429-021-02382-w.


    Inter-individual differences can inform treatment procedures and—if accounted for—have the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes. However, when studying brain anatomy, these inter-individual variations are commonly unaccounted for, despite reports of differences in gross anatomical features, cross-sectional, and connectional anatomy. Brain connections are essential to facilitate functional organization and, when severed, cause impairments or complete loss of function. Hence, the study of cerebral white matter may be an ideal compromise to capture inter-individual variability in structure and function. We reviewed the wealth of studies that associate cognitive functions and clinical symptoms with individual tracts using diffusion tractography. Our systematic review indicates that tractography has proven to be a sensitive method in neurology, psychiatry, and healthy populations to identify variability and its functional correlates. However, the literature may be biased, as the most commonly studied tracts are not necessarily those with the highest sensitivity to cognitive functions and pathologies. Additionally, the hemisphere of the studied tract is often unreported, thus neglecting functional laterality and asymmetries. Finally, we demonstrate that tracts, as we define them, are not correlated with one, but multiple cognitive domains or pathologies. While our systematic review identified some methodological caveats, it also suggests that tract–function correlations might still be a promising tool in identifying biomarkers for precision medicine. They can characterize variations in brain anatomy, differences in functional organization, and predicts resilience and recovery in patients.

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  • Genon, S., & Forkel, S. J. (2022). How do different parts of brain white matter develop after birth in humans? Neuron, 110(23), 3860-3863. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2022.11.011.


    Understanding human white matter development is vital to characterize typical brain organization and developmental neurocognitive disorders. In this issue of Neuron, Nazeri and colleagues1 identify different parts of white matter in the neonatal brain and show their maturational trajectories in line with microstructural feature development.
  • Mekki, Y., Guillemot, V., Lemaître, H., Carrión-Castillo, A., Forkel, S. J., Frouin, V., & Philippe, C. (2022). The genetic architecture of language functional connectivity. NeuroImage, 249: 118795. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118795.


    Language is a unique trait of the human species, of which the genetic architecture remains largely unknown. Through language disorders studies, many candidate genes were identified. However, such complex and multifactorial trait is unlikely to be driven by only few genes and case-control studies, suffering from a lack of power, struggle to uncover significant variants. In parallel, neuroimaging has significantly contributed to the understanding of structural and functional aspects of language in the human brain and the recent availability of large scale cohorts like UK Biobank have made possible to study language via image-derived endophenotypes in the general population. Because of its strong relationship with task-based fMRI (tbfMRI) activations and its easiness of acquisition, resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) have been more popularised, making it a good surrogate of functional neuronal processes. Taking advantage of such a synergistic system by aggregating effects across spatially distributed traits, we performed a multivariate genome-wide association study (mvGWAS) between genetic variations and resting-state functional connectivity (FC) of classical brain language areas in the inferior frontal (pars opercularis, triangularis and orbitalis), temporal and inferior parietal lobes (angular and supramarginal gyri), in 32,186 participants from UK Biobank. Twenty genomic loci were found associated with language FCs, out of which three were replicated in an independent replication sample. A locus in 3p11.1, regulating EPHA3 gene expression, is found associated with FCs of the semantic component of the language network, while a locus in 15q14, regulating THBS1 gene expression is found associated with FCs of the perceptual-motor language processing, bringing novel insights into the neurobiology of language.
  • Thiebaut de Schotten, M., & Forkel, S. J. (2022). The emergent properties of the connected brain. Science, 378(6619), 505-510. doi:10.1126/science.abq2591.


    There is more to brain connections than the mere transfer of signals between brain regions. Behavior and cognition emerge through cortical area interaction. This requires integration between local and distant areas orchestrated by densely connected networks. Brain connections determine the brain’s functional organization. The imaging of connections in the living brain has provided an opportunity to identify the driving factors behind the neurobiology of cognition. Connectivity differences between species and among humans have furthered the understanding of brain evolution and of diverging cognitive profiles. Brain pathologies amplify this variability through disconnections and, consequently, the disintegration of cognitive functions. The prediction of long-term symptoms is now preferentially based on brain disconnections. This paradigm shift will reshape our brain maps and challenge current brain models.
  • Friedrich, P., Forkel, S. J., Amiez, C., Balsters, J. H., Coulon, O., Fan, L., Goulas, A., Hadj-Bouziane, F., Hecht, E. E., Heuer, K., Jiang, T., Latzman, R. D., Liu, X., Loh, K. K., Patil, K. R., Lopez-Persem, A., Procyk, E., Sallet, J., Toro, R., Vickery, S. Friedrich, P., Forkel, S. J., Amiez, C., Balsters, J. H., Coulon, O., Fan, L., Goulas, A., Hadj-Bouziane, F., Hecht, E. E., Heuer, K., Jiang, T., Latzman, R. D., Liu, X., Loh, K. K., Patil, K. R., Lopez-Persem, A., Procyk, E., Sallet, J., Toro, R., Vickery, S., Weis, S., Wilson, C., Xu, T., Zerbi, V., Eickoff, S. B., Margulies, D., Mars, R., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2021). Imaging evolution of the primate brain: The next frontier? NeuroImage, 228: 117685. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117685.


    Evolution, as we currently understand it, strikes a delicate balance between animals' ancestral history and adaptations to their current niche. Similarities between species are generally considered inherited from a common ancestor whereas observed differences are considered as more recent evolution. Hence comparing species can provide insights into the evolutionary history. Comparative neuroimaging has recently emerged as a novel subdiscipline, which uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify similarities and differences in brain structure and function across species. Whereas invasive histological and molecular techniques are superior in spatial resolution, they are laborious, post-mortem, and oftentimes limited to specific species. Neuroimaging, by comparison, has the advantages of being applicable across species and allows for fast, whole-brain, repeatable, and multi-modal measurements of the structure and function in living brains and post-mortem tissue. In this review, we summarise the current state of the art in comparative anatomy and function of the brain and gather together the main scientific questions to be explored in the future of the fascinating new field of brain evolution derived from comparative neuroimaging.
  • Gau, R., Noble, S., Heuer, K., Bottenhorn, K. L., Bilgin, I. P., Yang, Y.-F., Huntenburg, J. M., Bayer, J. M., Bethlehem, R. A., Rhoads, S. A., Vogelbacher, C., Borghesani, V., Levitis, E., Wang, H.-T., Van Den Bossche, S., Kobeleva, X., Legarreta, J. H., Guay, S., Atay, S. M., Varoquaux, G. P. Gau, R., Noble, S., Heuer, K., Bottenhorn, K. L., Bilgin, I. P., Yang, Y.-F., Huntenburg, J. M., Bayer, J. M., Bethlehem, R. A., Rhoads, S. A., Vogelbacher, C., Borghesani, V., Levitis, E., Wang, H.-T., Van Den Bossche, S., Kobeleva, X., Legarreta, J. H., Guay, S., Atay, S. M., Varoquaux, G. P., Huijser, D. C., Sandström, M. S., Herholz, P., Nastase, S. A., Badhwar, A., Dumas, G., Schwab, S., Moia, S., Dayan, M., Bassil, Y., Brooks, P. P., Mancini, M., Shine, J. M., O’Connor, D., Xie, X., Poggiali, D., Friedrich, P., Heinsfeld, A. S., Riedl, L., Toro, R., Caballero-Gaudes, C., Eklund, A., Garner, K. G., Nolan, C. R., Demeter, D. V., Barrios, F. A., Merchant, J. S., McDevitt, E. A., Oostenveld, R., Craddock, R. C., Rokem, A., Doyle, A., Ghosh, S. S., Nikolaidis, A., Stanley, O. W., Uruñuela, E., Anousheh, N., Arnatkeviciute, A., Auzias, G., Bachar, D., Bannier, E., Basanisi, R., Basavaraj, A., Bedini, M., Bellec, P., Benn, R. A., Berluti, K., Bollmann, S., Bollmann, S., Bradley, C., Brown, J., Buchweitz, A., Callahan, P., Chan, M. Y., Chandio, B. Q., Cheng, T., Chopra, S., Chung, A. W., Close, T. G., Combrisson, E., Cona, G., Constable, R. T., Cury, C., Dadi, K., Damasceno, P. F., Das, S., De Vico Fallani, F., DeStasio, K., Dickie, E. W., Dorfschmidt, L., Duff, E. P., DuPre, E., Dziura, S., Esper, N. B., Esteban, O., Fadnavis, S., Flandin, G., Flannery, J. E., Flournoy, J., Forkel, S. J., Franco, A. R., Ganesan, S., Gao, S., García Alanis, J. C., Garyfallidis, E., Glatard, T., Glerean, E., Gonzalez-Castillo, J., Gould van Praag, C. D., Greene, A. S., Gupta, G., Hahn, C. A., Halchenko, Y. O., Handwerker, D., Hartmann, T. S., Hayot-Sasson, V., Heunis, S., Hoffstaedter, F., Hohmann, D. M., Horien, C., Ioanas, H.-I., Iordan, A., Jiang, C., Joseph, M., Kai, J., Karakuzu, A., Kennedy, D. N., Keshavan, A., Khan, A. R., Kiar, G., Klink, P. C., Koppelmans, V., Koudoro, S., Laird, A. R., Langs, G., Laws, M., Licandro, R., Liew, S.-L., Lipic, T., Litinas, K., Lurie, D. J., Lussier, D., Madan, C. R., Mais, L.-T., Mansour L, S., Manzano-Patron, J., Maoutsa, D., Marcon, M., Margulies, D. S., Marinato, G., Marinazzo, D., Markiewicz, C. J., Maumet, C., Meneguzzi, F., Meunier, D., Milham, M. P., Mills, K. L., Momi, D., Moreau, C. A., Motala, A., Moxon-Emre, I., Nichols, T. E., Nielson, D. M., Nilsonne, G., Novello, L., O’Brien, C., Olafson, E., Oliver, L. D., Onofrey, J. A., Orchard, E. R., Oudyk, K., Park, P. J., Parsapoor, M., Pasquini, L., Peltier, S., Pernet, C. R., Pienaar, R., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Poline, J.-B., Qiu, A., Quendera, T., Rice, L. C., Rocha-Hidalgo, J., Rutherford, S., Scharinger, M., Scheinost, D., Shariq, D., Shaw, T. B., Siless, V., Simmonite, M., Sirmpilatze, N., Spence, H., Sprenger, J., Stajduhar, A., Szinte, M., Takerkart, S., Tam, A., Tejavibulya, L., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Thome, I., Tomaz da Silva, L., Traut, N., Uddin, L. Q., Vallesi, A., VanMeter, J. W., Vijayakumar, N., di Oleggio Castello, M. V., Vohryzek, J., Vukojević, J., Whitaker, K. J., Whitmore, L., Wideman, S., Witt, S. T., Xie, H., Xu, T., Yan, C.-G., Yeh, F.-C., Yeo, B. T., & Zuo, X.-N. (2021). Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience. Neuron, 109(11), 1769-1775. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2021.04.001.


    Social factors play a crucial role in the advancement of science. New findings are discussed and theories emerge through social interactions, which usually take place within local research groups and at academic events such as conferences, seminars, or workshops. This system tends to amplify the voices of a select subset of the community—especially more established researchers—thus limiting opportunities for the larger community to contribute and connect. Brainhack ( events (or Brainhacks for short) complement these formats in neuroscience with decentralized 2- to 5-day gatherings, in which participants from diverse backgrounds and career stages collaborate and learn from each other in an informal setting. The Brainhack format was introduced in a previous publication (Cameron Craddock et al., 2016; Figures 1A and 1B). It is inspired by the hackathon model (see glossary in Table 1), which originated in software development and has gained traction in science as a way to bring people together for collaborative work and educational courses. Unlike many hackathons, Brainhacks welcome participants from all disciplines and with any level of experience—from those who have never written a line of code to software developers and expert neuroscientists. Brainhacks additionally replace the sometimes-competitive context of traditional hackathons with a purely collaborative one and also feature informal dissemination of ongoing research through unconferences.

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  • Nozais, V., Forkel, S. J., Foulon, C., Petit, L., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2021). Functionnectome as a framework to analyse the contribution of brain circuits to fMRI. Communications Biology, 4: 1035. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-02530-2.


    In recent years, the field of functional neuroimaging has moved away from a pure localisationist approach of isolated functional brain regions to a more integrated view of these regions within functional networks. However, the methods used to investigate functional networks rely on local signals in grey matter and are limited in identifying anatomical circuitries supporting the interaction between brain regions. Mapping the brain circuits mediating the functional signal between brain regions would propel our understanding of the brain’s functional signatures and dysfunctions. We developed a method to unravel the relationship between brain circuits and functions: The Functionnectome. The Functionnectome combines the functional signal from fMRI with white matter circuits’ anatomy to unlock and chart the first maps of functional white matter. To showcase this method’s versatility, we provide the first functional white matter maps revealing the joint contribution of connected areas to motor, working memory, and language functions. The Functionnectome comes with an open-source companion software and opens new avenues into studying functional networks by applying the method to already existing datasets and beyond task fMRI.

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  • Royo, J., Forkel, S. J., Pouget, P., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2021). The squirrel monkey model in clinical neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 128, 152-164. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.06.006.


    Clinical neuroscience research relying on animal models brought valuable translational insights into the function and pathologies of the human brain. The anatomical, physiological, and behavioural similarities between humans and mammals have prompted researchers to study cerebral mechanisms at different levels to develop and test new treatments. The vast majority of biomedical research uses rodent models, which are easily manipulable and have a broadly resembling organisation to the human nervous system but cannot satisfactorily mimic some disorders. For these disorders, macaque monkeys have been used as they have a more comparable central nervous system. Still, this research has been hampered by limitations, including high costs and reduced samples. This review argues that a squirrel monkey model might bridge the gap by complementing translational research from rodents, macaque, and humans. With the advent of promising new methods such as ultrasound imaging, tool miniaturisation, and a shift towards open science, the squirrel monkey model represents a window of opportunity that will potentially fuel new translational discoveries in the diagnosis and treatment of brain pathologies.
  • Barrett, R. L. C., Dawson, M., Dyrby, T. B., Krug, K., Ptito, M., D'Arceuil, H., Croxson, P. L., Johnson, P. J., Howells, H., Forkel, S. J., Dell'Acqua, F., & Catani, M. (2020). Differences in Frontal Network Anatomy Across Primate Species. The Journal of Neuroscience, 40(10), 2094-2107. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1650-18.2019.


    The frontal lobe is central to distinctive aspects of human cognition and behavior. Some comparative studies link this to a larger frontal cortex and even larger frontal white matter in humans compared with other primates, yet others dispute these findings. The discrepancies between studies could be explained by limitations of the methods used to quantify volume differences across species, especially when applied to white matter connections. In this study, we used a novel tractography approach to demonstrate that frontal lobe networks, extending within and beyond the frontal lobes, occupy 66% of total brain white matter in humans and 48% in three monkey species: vervets (Chlorocebus aethiops), rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) and cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis), all male. The simian–human differences in proportional frontal tract volume were significant for projection, commissural, and both intralobar and interlobar association tracts. Among the long association tracts, the greatest difference was found for tracts involved in motor planning, auditory memory, top-down control of sensory information, and visuospatial attention, with no significant differences in frontal limbic tracts important for emotional processing and social behaviour. In addition, we found that a nonfrontal tract, the anterior commissure, had a smaller volume fraction in humans, suggesting that the disproportionally large volume of human frontal lobe connections is accompanied by a reduction in the proportion of some nonfrontal connections. These findings support a hypothesis of an overall rearrangement of brain connections during human evolution.
  • Forkel, S. J., Rogalski, E., Drossinos Sancho, N., D'Anna, L., Luque Laguna, P., Sridhar, J., Dell'Acqua, F., Weintraub, S., Thompson, C., Mesulam, M.-M., & Catani, M. (2020). Anatomical evidence of an indirect pathway for word repetition. Neurology, 94, e594-e606. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000008746.


    Objective: To combine MRI-based cortical morphometry and diffusion white matter tractography to describe the anatomical correlates of repetition deficits in patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA).

    Methods: The traditional anatomical model of language identifies a network for word repetition that includes Wernicke and Broca regions directly connected via the arcuate fasciculus. Recent tractography findings of an indirect pathway between Wernicke and Broca regions suggest a critical role of the inferior parietal lobe for repetition. To test whether repetition deficits are associated with damage to the direct or indirect pathway between both regions, tractography analysis was performed in 30 patients with PPA (64.27 ± 8.51 years) and 22 healthy controls. Cortical volume measurements were also extracted from 8 perisylvian language areas connected by the direct and indirect pathways.

    Results: Compared to healthy controls, patients with PPA presented with reduced performance in repetition tasks and increased damage to most of the perisylvian cortical regions and their connections through the indirect pathway. Repetition deficits were prominent in patients with cortical atrophy of the temporo-parietal region with volumetric reductions of the indirect pathway.

    Conclusions: The results suggest that in PPA, deficits in repetition are due to damage to the temporo-parietal cortex and its connections to Wernicke and Broca regions. We therefore propose a revised language model that also includes an indirect pathway for repetition, which has important clinical implications for the functional mapping and treatment of neurologic patients.
  • Forkel, S. J., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2020). Towards metabolic disconnection – symptom mapping. Brain, 143(3), 718-721. doi:10.1093/brain/awaa060.


    This scientific commentary refers to ‘Metabolic lesion-deficit mapping of human cognition’ by Jha etal.
  • Friedrich, P., Forkel, S. J., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2020). Mapping the principal gradient onto the corpus callosum. NeuroImage, 223: 117317. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117317.


    Gradients capture some of the variance of the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) signal. Amongst these, the principal gradient depicts a functional processing hierarchy that spans from sensory-motor cortices to regions of the default-mode network. While the cortex has been well characterised in terms of gradients little is known about its underlying white matter. For instance, comprehensive mapping of the principal gradient on the largest white matter tract, the corpus callosum, is still missing. Here, we mapped the principal gradient onto the midsection of the corpus callosum using the 7T human connectome project dataset. We further explored how quantitative measures and variability in callosal midsection connectivity relate to the principal gradient values. In so doing, we demonstrated that the extreme values of the principal gradient are located within the callosal genu and the posterior body, have lower connectivity variability but a larger spatial extent along the midsection of the corpus callosum than mid-range values. Our results shed light on the relationship between the brain's functional hierarchy and the corpus callosum. We further speculate about how these results may bridge the gap between functional hierarchy, brain asymmetries, and evolution.

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  • Friedrich, P., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Forkel, S. J., Stacho, M., & Howells, H. (2020). An ancestral anatomical and spatial bias for visually guided behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(5), 2251-2252. doi:10.1073/pnas.1918402117.


    Human behavioral asymmetries are commonly studied in the context of structural cortical and connectional asymmetries. Within this framework, Sreenivasan and Sridharan (1) provide intriguing evidence of a relationship between visual asymmetries and the lateralization of superior colliculi connections—a phylogenetically older mesencephalic structure. Specifically, response facilitation for cued locations (i.e., choice bias) in the contralateral hemifield was associated with differences in the connectivity of the superior colliculus. Given that the superior colliculus has a structural homolog—the optic tectum—which can be traced across all Vertebrata, these results may have meaningful evolutionary ramifications.
  • Howells, H., Puglisi, G., Leonetti, A., Vigano, L., Fornia, L., Simone, L., Forkel, S. J., Rossi, M., Riva, M., Cerri, G., & Bello, L. (2020). The role of left fronto-parietal tracts in hand selection: Evidence from neurosurgery. Cortex, 128, 297-311. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2020.03.018.


    Strong right-hand preference on the population level is a uniquely human feature, although its neural basis is still not clearly defined. Recent behavioural and neuroimaging literature suggests that hand preference may be related to the orchestrated function and size of fronto-parietal white matter tracts bilaterally. Lesions to these tracts induced during tumour resection may provide an opportunity to test this hypothesis. In the present study, a cohort of seventeen neurosurgical patients with left hemisphere brain tumours were recruited to investigate whether resection of certain white matter tracts affects the choice of hand selected for the execution of a goal-directed task (assembly of jigsaw puzzles). Patients performed the puzzles, but also tests for basic motor ability, selective attention and visuo-constructional ability, preoperatively and one month after surgery. An atlas-based disconnectome analysis was conducted to evaluate whether resection of tracts was significantly associated with changes in hand selection. Diffusion tractography was also used to dissect fronto-parietal tracts (the superior longitudinal fasciculus) and the corticospinal tract. Results showed a shift in hand selection despite the absence of any motor or cognitive deficits, which was significantly associated with frontal and parietal resections rather than other lobes. In particular, the shift in hand selection was significantly associated with the resection of dorsal rather than ventral fronto-parietal white matter connections. Dorsal white matter pathways contribute bilaterally to control of goal-directed hand movements. We show that unilateral lesions, that may unbalance the cooperation of the two hemispheres, can alter the choice of hand selected to accomplish movements.
  • Milham, M., Petkov, C. I., Margulies, D. S., Schroeder, C. E., Basso, M. A., Belin, P., Fair, D. A., Fox, A., Kastner, S., Mars, R. B., Messinger, A., Poirier, C., Vanduffel, W., Van Essen, D. C., Alvand, A., Becker, Y., Ben Hamed, S., Benn, A., Bodin, C., Boretius, S. Milham, M., Petkov, C. I., Margulies, D. S., Schroeder, C. E., Basso, M. A., Belin, P., Fair, D. A., Fox, A., Kastner, S., Mars, R. B., Messinger, A., Poirier, C., Vanduffel, W., Van Essen, D. C., Alvand, A., Becker, Y., Ben Hamed, S., Benn, A., Bodin, C., Boretius, S., Cagna, B., Coulon, O., El-Gohary, S. H., Evrard, H., Forkel, S. J., Friedrich, P., Froudist-Walsh, S., Garza-Villarreal, E. A., Gao, Y., Gozzi, A., Grigis, A., Hartig, R., Hayashi, T., Heuer, K., Howells, H., Ardesch, D. J., Jarraya, B., Jarrett, W., Jedema, H. P., Kagan, I., Kelly, C., Kennedy, H., Klink, P. C., Kwok, S. C., Leech, R., Liu, X., Madan, C., Madushanka, W., Majka, P., Mallon, A.-M., Marche, K., Meguerditchian, A., Menon, R. S., Merchant, H., Mitchell, A., Nenning, K.-H., Nikolaidis, A., Ortiz-Rios, M., Pagani, M., Pareek, V., Prescott, M., Procyk, E., Rajimehr, R., Rautu, I.-S., Raz, A., Roe, A. W., Rossi-Pool, R., Roumazeilles, L., Sakai, T., Sallet, J., García-Saldivar, P., Sato, C., Sawiak, S., Schiffer, M., Schwiedrzik, C. M., Seidlitz, J., Sein, J., Shen, Z.-m., Shmuel, A., Silva, A. C., Simone, L., Sirmpilatze, N., Sliwa, J., Smallwood, J., Tasserie, J., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Toro, R., Trapeau, R., Uhrig, L., Vezoli, J., Wang, Z., Wells, S., Williams, B., Xu, T., Xu, A. G., Yacoub, E., Zhan, M., Ai, L., Amiez, C., Balezeau, F., Baxter, M. G., Blezer, E. L., Brochier, T., Chen, A., Croxson, P. L., Damatac, C. G., Dehaene, S., Everling, S., Fleysher, L., Freiwald, W., Griffiths, T. D., Guedj, C., Hadj-Bouziane, F., Harel, N., Hiba, B., Jung, B., Koo, B., Laland, K. N., Leopold, D. A., Lindenfors, P., Meunier, M., Mok, K., Morrison, J. H., Nacef, J., Nagy, J., Pinsk, M., Reader, S. M., Roelfsema, P. R., Rudko, D. A., Rushworth, M. F., Russ, B. E., Schmid, M. C., Sullivan, E. L., Thiele, A., Todorov, O. S., Tsao, D., Ungerleider, L., Wilson, C. R., Ye, F. Q., Zarco, W., & Zhou, Y.-d. (2020). Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging. Neuron, 105(4), 600-603. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.023.


    Nonhuman primate neuroimaging is on the cusp of a transformation, much in the same way its human counterpart was in 2010, when the Human Connectome Project was launched to accelerate progress. Inspired by an open data-sharing initiative, the global community recently met and, in this article, breaks through obstacles to define its ambitions.

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  • Waymel, A., Friedrich, P., Bastian, P.-A., Forkel, S. J., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2020). Anchoring the human olfactory system within a functional gradient. NeuroImage, 216: 116863. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116863.


    Margulies et al. (2016) demonstrated the existence of at least five independent functional connectivity gradients in the human brain. However, it is unclear how these functional gradients might link to anatomy. The dual origin theory proposes that differences in cortical cytoarchitecture originate from two trends of progressive differentiation between the different layers of the cortex, referred to as the hippocampocentric and olfactocentric systems. When conceptualising the functional connectivity gradients within the evolutionary framework of the Dual Origin theory, the first gradient likely represents the hippocampocentric system anatomically. Here we expand on this concept and demonstrate that the fifth gradient likely links to the olfactocentric system. We describe the anatomy of the latter as well as the evidence to support this hypothesis. Together, the first and fifth gradients might help to model the Dual Origin theory of the human brain and inform brain models and pathologies.
  • Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Friedrich, P., & Forkel, S. J. (2019). One size fits all does not apply to brain lateralisation. Physics of Life Reviews, 30, 30-33. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2019.07.007.


    Our understanding of the functioning of the brain is primarily based on an average model of the brain's functional organisation, and any deviation from the standard is considered as random noise or a pathological appearance. Studying pathologies has, however, greatly contributed to our understanding of brain functions. For instance, the study of naturally-occurring or surgically-induced brain lesions revealed that language is predominantly lateralised to the left hemisphere while perception/action and emotion are commonly lateralised to the right hemisphere. The lateralisation of function was subsequently replicated by task-related functional neuroimaging in the healthy population. Despite its high significance and reproducibility, this pattern of lateralisation of function is true for most, but not all participants. Bilateral and flipped representations of classically lateralised functions have been reported during development and in the healthy adult population for language, perception/action and emotion. Understanding these different functional representations at an individual level is crucial to improve the sophistication of our models and account for the variance in developmental trajectories, cognitive performance differences and clinical recovery. With the availability of in vivo neuroimaging, it has become feasible to study large numbers of participants and reliably characterise individual differences, also referred to as phenotypes. Yet, we are at the beginning of inter-individual variability modelling, and new theories of brain function will have to account for these differences across participants.
  • Croxson, P., Forkel, S. J., Cerliani, L., & Thiebaut De Schotten, M. (2018). Structural Variability Across the Primate Brain: A Cross-Species Comparison. Cerebral Cortex, 28(11), 3829-3841. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhx244.


    A large amount of variability exists across human brains; revealed initially on a small scale by postmortem studies and,
    more recently, on a larger scale with the advent of neuroimaging. Here we compared structural variability between human
    and macaque monkey brains using grey and white matter magnetic resonance imaging measures. The monkey brain was
    overall structurally as variable as the human brain, but variability had a distinct distribution pattern, with some key areas
    showing high variability. We also report the first evidence of a relationship between anatomical variability and evolutionary
    expansion in the primate brain. This suggests a relationship between variability and stability, where areas of low variability
    may have evolved less recently and have more stability, while areas of high variability may have evolved more recently and
    be less similar across individuals. We showed specific differences between the species in key areas, including the amount of
    hemispheric asymmetry in variability, which was left-lateralized in the human brain across several phylogenetically recent
    regions. This suggests that cerebral variability may be another useful measure for comparison between species and may add
    another dimension to our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms.
  • Forkel, S. J., & Catani, M. (2018). Lesion mapping in acute stroke aphasia and its implications for recovery. Neuropsychologia, 115, 88-100. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.03.036.


    Patients with stroke offer a unique window into understanding human brain function. Mapping stroke lesions poses several challenges due to the complexity of the lesion anatomy and the mechanisms causing local and remote disruption on brain networks. In this prospective longitudinal study, we compare standard and advanced approaches to white matter lesion mapping applied to acute stroke patients with aphasia. Eighteen patients with acute left hemisphere stroke were recruited and scanned within two weeks from symptom onset. Aphasia assessment was performed at baseline and six-month follow-up. Structural and diffusion MRI contrasts indicated an area of maximum overlap in the anterior external/extreme capsule with diffusion images showing a larger overlap extending into posterior perisylvian regions. Anatomical predictors of recovery included damage to ipsilesional tracts (as shown by both structural and diffusion images) and contralesional tracts (as shown by diffusion images only). These findings indicate converging results from structural and diffusion lesion mapping methods but also clear differences between the two approaches in their ability to identify predictors of recovery outside the lesioned regions.
  • Forkel, S. J., & Catani, M. (2018). Structural Neuroimaging. In A. De Groot, & P. Hagoort (Eds.), Research Methods in Psycholinguistics and the Neurobiology of Language: A Practical Guide (pp. 288-308). Hoboken: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781394259762.ch15.


    Structural imaging based on computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has progressively replaced traditional post‐mortem studies in the process of identifying the neuroanatomical basis of language. In the clinical setting, the information provided by structural imaging has been used to confirm the exact diagnosis and formulate an individualized treatment plan. In the research arena, neuroimaging has permitted to understand neuroanatomy at the individual and group level. The possibility to obtain quantitative measures of lesions has improved correlation analyses between severity of symptoms, lesion load, and lesion location. More recently, the development of structural imaging based on diffusion MRI has provided valid solutions to two major limitations of more conventional imaging. In stroke patients, diffusion can visualize early changes due to a stroke that are otherwise not detectable with more conventional structural imaging, with important implications for the clinical management of acute stroke patients. Beyond the sensitivity to early changes, diffusion imaging tractography presents the possibility of visualizing the trajectories of individual white matter pathways connecting distant regions. A pathway analysis based on tractography is offering a new perspective in neurolinguistics. First, it permits to formulate new anatomical models of language function in the healthy brain and allows to directly test these models in the human population without any reliance on animal models. Second, by defining the exact location of the damage to specific white matter connections we can understand the contribution of different mechanisms to the emergence of language deficits (e.g., cortical versus disconnection mechanisms). Finally, a better understanding of the anatomical variability of different language networks is helping to identify new anatomical predictors of language recovery. In this chapter we will focus on the principles of structural MRI and, in particular, diffusion imaging and tractography and present examples of how these methods have informed our understanding of variance in language performances in the healthy brain and language deficits in patient populations.
  • Vanderauwera, J., De Vos, A., Forkel, S. J., Catani, M., Wouters, J., Vandermosten, M., & Ghesquière, P. (2018). Neural organization of ventral white matter tracts parallels the initial steps of reading development: A DTI tractography study. Brain and Language, 183, 32-40. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2018.05.007.


    Insight in the developmental trajectory of the neuroanatomical reading correlates is important to understand related cognitive processes and disorders. In adults, a dual pathway model has been suggested encompassing a dorsal phonological and a ventral orthographic white matter system. This dichotomy seems not present in pre-readers, and the specific role of ventral white matter in reading remains unclear. Therefore, the present longitudinal study investigated the relation between ventral white matter and cognitive processes underlying reading in children with a broad range of reading skills (n = 61). Ventral pathways of the reading network were manually traced using diffusion tractography: the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) and uncinate fasciculus (UF). Pathways were examined pre-reading (5–6 years) and after two years of reading acquisition (7–8 years). Dimension reduction for the cognitive measures resulted in one component for pre-reading cognitive measures and a separate phonological and orthographic component for the early reading measures. Regression analyses revealed a relation between the pre-reading cognitive component and bilateral IFOF and left ILF. Interestingly, exclusively the left IFOF was related to the orthographic component, whereas none of the pathways was related to the phonological component. Hence, the left IFOF seems to serve as the lexical reading route, already in the earliest reading stages.
  • Catani, M., Robertsson, N., Beyh, A., Huynh, V., de Santiago Requejo, F., Howells, H., Barrett, R. L., Aiello, M., Cavaliere, C., Dyrby, T. B., Krug, K., Ptito, M., D'Arceuil, H., Forkel, S. J., & Dell'Acqua, F. (2017). Short parietal lobe connections of the human and monkey brain. Cortex, 97, 339-357. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2017.10.022.


    The parietal lobe has a unique place in the human brain. Anatomically, it is at the crossroad between the frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes, thus providing a middle ground for multimodal sensory integration. Functionally, it supports higher cognitive functions that are characteristic of the human species, such as mathematical cognition, semantic and pragmatic aspects of language, and abstract thinking. Despite its importance, a comprehensive comparison of human and simian intraparietal networks is missing.

    In this study, we used diffusion imaging tractography to reconstruct the major intralobar parietal tracts in twenty-one datasets acquired in vivo from healthy human subjects and eleven ex vivo datasets from five vervet and six macaque monkeys. Three regions of interest (postcentral gyrus, superior parietal lobule and inferior parietal lobule) were used to identify the tracts. Surface projections were reconstructed for both species and results compared to identify similarities or differences in tract anatomy (i.e., trajectories and cortical projections). In addition, post-mortem dissections were performed in a human brain.

    The largest tract identified in both human and monkey brains is a vertical pathway between the superior and inferior parietal lobules. This tract can be divided into an anterior (supramarginal gyrus) and a posterior (angular gyrus) component in both humans and monkey brains. The second prominent intraparietal tract connects the postcentral gyrus to both supramarginal and angular gyri of the inferior parietal lobule in humans but only to the supramarginal gyrus in the monkey brain. The third tract connects the postcentral gyrus to the anterior region of the superior parietal lobule and is more prominent in monkeys compared to humans. Finally, short U-shaped fibres in the medial and lateral aspects of the parietal lobe were identified in both species. A tract connecting the medial parietal cortex to the lateral inferior parietal cortex was observed in the monkey brain only.

    Our findings suggest a consistent pattern of intralobar parietal connections between humans and monkeys with some differences for those areas that have cytoarchitectonically distinct features in humans. The overall pattern of intraparietal connectivity supports the special role of the inferior parietal lobule in cognitive functions characteristic of humans.
  • Besharati, S., Forkel, S. J., Kopelman, M., Solms, M., Jenkinson, P., & Fotopoulou, A. (2016). Mentalizing the body: Spatial and social cognition in anosognosia for hemiplegia. Brain, 139(3), 971-985. doi:10.1093/brain/awv390.


    Following right-hemisphere damage, a specific disorder of motor awareness can occur called anosognosia for hemiplegia, i.e. the denial of motor deficits contralateral to a brain lesion. The study of anosognosia can offer unique insights into the neurocognitive basis of awareness. Typically, however, awareness is assessed as a first person judgement and the ability of patients to think about their bodies in more ‘objective’ (third person) terms is not directly assessed. This may be important as right-hemisphere spatial abilities may underlie our ability to take third person perspectives. This possibility was assessed for the first time in the present study. We investigated third person perspective taking using both visuospatial and verbal tasks in right-hemisphere stroke patients with anosognosia ( n = 15) and without anosognosia ( n = 15), as well as neurologically healthy control subjects ( n = 15). The anosognosic group performed worse than both control groups when having to perform the tasks from a third versus a first person perspective. Individual analysis further revealed a classical dissociation between most anosognosic patients and control subjects in mental (but not visuospatial) third person perspective taking abilities. Finally, the severity of unawareness in anosognosia patients was correlated to greater impairments in such third person, mental perspective taking abilities (but not visuospatial perspective taking). In voxel-based lesion mapping we also identified the lesion sites linked with such deficits, including some brain areas previously associated with inhibition, perspective taking and mentalizing, such as the inferior and middle frontal gyri, as well as the supramarginal and superior temporal gyri. These results suggest that neurocognitive deficits in mental perspective taking may contribute to anosognosia and provide novel insights regarding the relation between self-awareness and social cognition.
  • Forkel, S. J. (2015). Heinrich Sachs (1863–1928). Journal of Neurology, 262, 498-500. doi:10.1007/s00415-014-7517-2.


    The nineteenth century witnessed some of the greatest neuroanatomists of all times. Amongst them is the largely forgotten Heinrich Sachs, a student of Carl Wernicke in Breslau.
  • Forkel, S. J., Mahmood, S., Vergani, F., & Catani, M. (2015). The white matter of the human cerebrum: Part I The occipital lobe by Heinrich Sachs. Cortex, 62, 182-202. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2014.10.023.


    This is the first complete translation of Heinrich Sachs' outstanding white matter atlas dedicated to the occipital lobe. This work is accompanied by a prologue by Prof Carl Wernicke who for many years was Sachs' mentor in Breslau and enthusiastically supported his work.
  • Besharati, S., Forkel, S. J., Kopelman, M., Solms, M., Jenkinson, P. M., & Fotopoulou, A. (2014). The affective modulation of motor awareness in anosognosia for hemiplegia: Behavioural and lesion evidence. Cortex, 61, 127-140. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2014.08.016.


    The possible role of emotion in anosognosia for hemiplegia (i.e., denial of motor deficits contralateral to a brain lesion), has long been debated between psychodynamic and neurocognitive theories. However, there are only a handful of case studies focussing on this topic, and the precise role of emotion in anosognosia for hemiplegia requires empirical investigation. In the present study, we aimed to investigate how negative and positive emotions influence motor awareness in anosognosia. Positive and negative emotions were induced under carefully-controlled experimental conditions in right-hemisphere stroke patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia (n = 11) and controls with clinically normal awareness (n = 10). Only the negative, emotion induction condition resulted in a significant improvement of motor awareness in anosognosic patients compared to controls; the positive emotion induction did not. Using lesion overlay and voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping approaches, we also investigated the brain lesions associated with the diagnosis of anosognosia, as well as with performance on the experimental task. Anatomical areas that are commonly damaged in AHP included the right-hemisphere motor and sensory cortices, the inferior frontal cortex, and the insula. Additionally, the insula, putamen and anterior periventricular white matter were associated with less awareness change following the negative emotion induction. This study suggests that motor unawareness and the observed lack of negative emotions about one's disabilities cannot be adequately explained by either purely motivational or neurocognitive accounts. Instead, we propose an integrative account in which insular and striatal lesions result in weak interoceptive and motivational signals. These deficits lead to faulty inferences about the self, involving a difficulty to personalise new sensorimotor information, and an abnormal adherence to premorbid beliefs about the body.

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  • Forkel, S. J., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Dell’Acqua, F., Kalra, L., Murphy, D. G. M., Williams, S. C. R., & Catani, M. (2014). Anatomical predictors of aphasia recovery: a tractography study of bilateral perisylvian language networks. Brain, 137, 2027-2039. doi:10.1093/brain/awu113.


    Stroke-induced aphasia is associated with adverse effects on quality of life and the ability to return to work. For patients and clinicians the possibility of relying on valid predictors of recovery is an important asset in the clinical management of stroke-related impairment. Age, level of education, type and severity of initial symptoms are established predictors of recovery. However, anatomical predictors are still poorly understood. In this prospective longitudinal study, we intended to assess anatomical predictors of recovery derived from diffusion tractography of the perisylvian language networks. Our study focused on the arcuate fasciculus, a language pathway composed of three segments connecting Wernicke’s to Broca’s region (i.e. long segment), Wernicke’s to Geschwind’s region (i.e. posterior segment) and Broca’s to Geschwind’s region (i.e. anterior segment). In our study we were particularly interested in understanding how lateralization of the arcuate fasciculus impacts on severity of symptoms and their recovery. Sixteen patients (10 males; mean age 60 ± 17 years, range 28–87 years) underwent post stroke language assessment with the Revised Western Aphasia Battery and neuroimaging scanning within a fortnight from symptoms onset. Language assessment was repeated at 6 months. Backward elimination analysis identified a subset of predictor variables (age, sex, lesion size) to be introduced to further regression analyses. A hierarchical regression was conducted with the longitudinal aphasia severity as the dependent variable. The first model included the subset of variables as previously defined. The second model additionally introduced the left and right arcuate fasciculus (separate analysis for each segment). Lesion size was identified as the only independent predictor of longitudinal aphasia severity in the left hemisphere [beta = −0.630, t(−3.129), P = 0.011]. For the right hemisphere, age [beta = −0.678, t(–3.087), P = 0.010] and volume of the long segment of the arcuate fasciculus [beta = 0.730, t(2.732), P = 0.020] were predictors of longitudinal aphasia severity. Adding the volume of the right long segment to the first-level model increased the overall predictive power of the model from 28% to 57% [F(1,11) = 7.46, P = 0.02]. These findings suggest that different predictors of recovery are at play in the left and right hemisphere. The right hemisphere language network seems to be important in aphasia recovery after left hemispheric stroke.

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  • Forkel, S. J. (2014). Identification of anatomical predictors of language recovery after stroke with diffusion tensor imaging. PhD Thesis, King's College London, London.


    Background Stroke-induced aphasia is associated with adverse effects on quality of life and the ability to return to work. However, the predictors of recovery are still poorly understood. Anatomical variability of the arcuate fasciculus, connecting Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, has been reported in the healthy population using diffusion tensor imaging tractography. In about 40% of the population the arcuate fasciculus is bilateral and this pattern is advantageous for certain language related functions, such as auditory verbal learning (Catani et al. 2007). Methods In this prospective longitudinal study, anatomical predictors of post-stroke aphasia recovery were investigated using diffusion tractography and arterial spin labelling. Patients An 18-subject strong aphasia cohort with first-ever unilateral left hemispheric middle cerebral artery infarcts underwent post stroke language (mean 5±5 days) and neuroimaging (mean 10±6 days) assessments and neuropsychological follow-up at six months. Ten of these patients were available for reassessment one year after symptom onset. Aphasia was assessed with the Western Aphasia Battery, which provides a global measure of severity (Aphasia Quotient, AQ). Results Better recover from aphasia was observed in patients with a right arcuate fasciculus [beta=.730, t(2.732), p=.020] (tractography) and increased fractional anisotropy in the right hemisphere (p<0.05) (Tract-based spatial statistics). Further, an increase in left hemisphere perfusion was observed after one year (p<0.01) (perfusion). Lesion analysis identified maximal overlay in the periinsular white matter (WM). Lesion-symptom mapping identified damage to periinsular structure as predictive for overall aphasia severity and damage to frontal lobe white matter as predictive of repetition deficits. Conclusion These findings suggest an important role for the right hemisphere language network in recovery from aphasia after left hemispheric stroke.

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  • Forkel, S. J., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Kawadler, J. M., Dell'Acqua, F., Danek, A., & Catani, M. (2014). The anatomy of fronto-occipital connections from early blunt dissections to contemporary tractography. Cortex, 56, 73-84. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.09.005.


    The occipital and frontal lobes are anatomically distant yet functionally highly integrated to generate some of the most complex behaviour. A series of long associative fibres, such as the fronto-occipital networks, mediate this integration via rapid feed-forward propagation of visual input to anterior frontal regions and direct top–down modulation of early visual processing.

    Despite the vast number of anatomical investigations a general consensus on the anatomy of fronto-occipital connections is not forthcoming. For example, in the monkey the existence of a human equivalent of the ‘inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus’ (iFOF) has not been demonstrated. Conversely, a ‘superior fronto-occipital fasciculus’ (sFOF), also referred to as ‘subcallosal bundle’ by some authors, is reported in monkey axonal tracing studies but not in human dissections.

    In this study our aim is twofold. First, we use diffusion tractography to delineate the in vivo anatomy of the sFOF and the iFOF in 30 healthy subjects and three acallosal brains. Second, we provide a comprehensive review of the post-mortem and neuroimaging studies of the fronto-occipital connections published over the last two centuries, together with the first integral translation of Onufrowicz's original description of a human fronto-occipital fasciculus (1887) and Muratoff's report of the ‘subcallosal bundle’ in animals (1893).

    Our tractography dissections suggest that in the human brain (i) the iFOF is a bilateral association pathway connecting ventro-medial occipital cortex to orbital and polar frontal cortex, (ii) the sFOF overlaps with branches of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and probably represents an ‘occipital extension’ of the SLF, (iii) the subcallosal bundle of Muratoff is probably a complex tract encompassing ascending thalamo-frontal and descending fronto-caudate connections and is therefore a projection rather than an associative tract.

    In conclusion, our experimental findings and review of the literature suggest that a ventral pathway in humans, namely the iFOF, mediates a direct communication between occipital and frontal lobes. Whether the iFOF represents a unique human pathway awaits further ad hoc investigations in animals.
  • Vergani, F., Mahmood, S., Morris, C., Mitchell, P., & Forkel, S. J. (2014). Intralobar fibres of the occipital lobe: A post mortem dissection study. Cortex, 56, 145-156. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2014.03.002.



    The atlas by Heinrich Sachs (1892) provided an accurate description of the intralobar fibres of the occipital lobe, with a detailed representation of the short associative tracts connecting different parts of the lobe. Little attention has been paid to the work of Sachs since its publication. In this study, we present the results of the dissection of three hemispheres, performed according to the Klingler technique (1935). Our anatomical findings are then compared to the original description of the occipital fibres anatomy as detailed by Sachs.

    Three hemispheres were dissected according to Klingler's technique (1935). Specimens were fixed in 10% formalin and frozen at −15 °C for two weeks. After defreezing, dissection of the white matter fibres was performed with blunt dissectors. Coronal sections were obtained according to the cuts originally described by Sachs. In addition, medial to lateral and lateral to medial dissection of the white matter of the occipital lobe was also performed.


    A network of short association fibres was demonstrated in the occipital lobe, comprising intralobar association fibres and U-shaped fibres, which are connecting neighbouring gyri. Lateral to the ventricles, longitudinal fibres of the stratum sagittale were also identified that are arranged as external and internal layers. Fibres of the forceps major were also found to be in direct contact with the ventricular walls. We were able to replicate all tracts originally described by Sachs. In addition, a previously unrecognised tract, connecting the cuneus to the lingual gyrus, was identified. This tract corresponds to the “sledge runner”, described in tractography studies.


    The occipital lobe shows a rich network of intralobar fibres, arranged around the ventricular wall. Good concordance was observed between the Klingler dissection technique and the histological preparations of Sachs.
  • Catani, M., Dell'Acqua, F., Bizzi, A., Forkel, S. J., Williams, S. C., Simmons, A., Murphy, D. G., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2012). Beyond cortical localization in clinico-anatomical correlation. Cortex, 48(10), 1262-1287. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.07.001.


    Last year was the 150th anniversary of Paul Broca's landmark case report on speech disorder that paved the way for subsequent studies of cortical localization of higher cognitive functions. However, many complex functions rely on the activity of distributed networks rather than single cortical areas. Hence, it is important to understand how brain regions are linked within large-scale networks and to map lesions onto connecting white matter tracts. To facilitate this network approach we provide a synopsis of classical neurological syndromes associated with frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal and limbic lesions. A review of tractography studies in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders is also included. The synopsis is accompanied by a new atlas of the human white matter connections based on diffusion tensor tractography freely downloadable on Clinicians can use the maps to accurately identify the tract affected by lesions visible on conventional CT or MRI. The atlas will also assist researchers to interpret their group analysis results. We hope that the synopsis and the atlas by allowing a precise localization of white matter lesions and associated symptoms will facilitate future work on the functional correlates of human neural networks as derived from the study of clinical populations. Our goal is to stimulate clinicians to develop a critical approach to clinico-anatomical correlative studies and broaden their view of clinical anatomy beyond the cortical surface in order to encompass the dysfunction related to connecting pathways.

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  • Catani, M., Craig, M. C., Forkel, S. J., Kanaan, R., Picchioni, M., Toulopoulou, T., Shergill, S., Williams, S., Murphy, D. G., & McGuire, P. (2011). Altered integrity of perisylvian language pathways in schizophrenia: Relationship to auditory hallucinations. Biological Psychiatry, 70(12), 1143-1150. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.06.013.


    Background: Functional neuroimaging supports the hypothesis that auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in schizophrenia result from altered functional connectivity between perisylvian language regions, although the extent to which AVH are also associated with an altered tract anatomy is less clear.

    Methods: Twenty-eight patients with schizophrenia subdivided into 17 subjects with a history of AVH and 11 without a history of hallucinations and 59 age- and IQ-matched healthy controls were recruited. The number of streamlines, fractional anisotropy (FA), and mean diffusivity were measured along the length of the arcuate fasciculus and its medial and lateral components.

    Results: Patients with schizophrenia had bilateral reduction of FA relative to controls in the arcuate fasciculi (p < .001). Virtual dissection of the subcomponents of the arcuate fasciculi revealed that these reductions were specific to connections between posterior temporal and anterior regions in the inferior frontal and parietal lobe. Also, compared with controls, the reduction in FA of these tracts was highest, and bilateral, in patients with AVH, but in patients without AVH, this reduction was reported only on the left.

    Conclusions: These findings point toward a supraregional network model of AVH in schizophrenia. They support the hypothesis that there may be selective vulnerability of specific anatomical connections to posterior temporal regions in schizophrenia and that extensive bilateral damage is associated with a greater vulnerability to AVH. If confirmed by further studies, these findings may advance our understanding of the anatomical factors that are protective against AVH and predictive of a treatment response.
  • Forkel, S. J., Dell’Acqua, F., Kalra, L., Williams, S. C., & Catani, M. (2011). Lateralisation of the Arcuate Fasciculus Predicts Aphasia Recovery at 6 Months. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 23, 164-166. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.09.221.
  • Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Dell'Acqua, F., Forkel, S. J., Simmons, A., Vergani, F., Murphy, D. G. M., & Catani, M. (2011). A lateralized brain network for visuospatial attention. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 1245-1246. doi:10.1038/nn.2905.


    Right hemisphere dominance for visuospatial attention is characteristic of most humans, but its anatomical basis remains unknown. We report the first evidence in humans for a larger parieto-frontal network in the right than left hemisphere, and a significant correlation between the degree of anatomical lateralization and asymmetry of performance on visuospatial tasks. Our results suggest that hemispheric specialization is associated with an unbalanced speed of visuospatial processing.

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